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@Anders429 Anders429 released this 21 Mar 07:00
· 150 commits to master since this release


  • resource module containing types related to resources.
  • resource::Resource trait to define a type as a resource.
  • resource::Resources trait to define a heterogeneous list of types as a list of resources.
  • resources! macro to define a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • Resources! macro to define the type of a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • query::Result struct containing the result of a query on a World.
  • World::with_resources() function to define a World containing resources.
  • World::get() method to get an immutable reference to a resource.
  • World::get_mut() method to get a mutable reference to a resource.
  • World::view_resources() to get references to any number of resources at once.
  • resource::Null type which defines the end of a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • resource::ContainsResource trait to indicate that a heterogeneous list of resources contains a given resource.
  • resource::ContainsViews trait to indicate that a heterogeneous list of resource views is contained in a list of resources.
  • resource::Debug trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement core::fmt::Debug.
  • resource::Serialize trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement serde::Serialize.
  • resource::Deserialize trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement serde::Deserialize.


  • Running a schedule now performs optimizations at run-time. Tasks that can be are now run earlier than their compile-time scheduled stage.
  • World::query() and World::par_query() now return a query::Result struct.
  • Query has an added ResourceViews generic parameter to indicate the resources that should be viewed during the query.
  • System and ParSystem now have a ResourceViews associated type to indicate the resources that should be viewed when the system is run.
  • System::run() and ParSystem::run() have a new Self::ViewResources parameter to allow accessing those resources during execution.
  • Scheduling multiple systems now accounts for ResourceViews alongside component Views when creating stages.
  • The Debug implementation on World now requires the World's resources to implement resource::Debug.
  • The Serialize and Deserialize implementations on World now require World's resources to implement resource::Serialize and resource::Deserialize, respectively.
  • The Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Send, and Sync implementations on World now require the World's resources to implement those same traits.