This is a set of scripts and an executable to calculate DHS correlation between
samples or cell-types. An example input set is described in
If you have not already installed BEDOPS, you'll need to do so, from
Compile the code with:
If you have an SGE cluster available (qsub
), run ./ fileOfPeakDensityAndCounts.txt TSSfile.bed6 [blacklistfile]
and wait for the jobs to finish. fileOfPeakDensityAndCounts.txt
should contain one sample per line,
tab delimited, containing /path/to/peak/file, /path/to/density/file, and Total mapped tags (in that order).
The blacklist file is optional.
The ./
script does the following steps for you - if you want to see the reasoning for any steps, look here:
Start by running this script (preferably on a node of a computer cluster):
After that has completed and created the file multi-tissue.master.hg19.bed, run the following command from the command line:
cut -f1-3 multi-tissue.master.bed > masterDHSs.bed3
Then run the following script, which gets the DNase signal strength in each cell type at each DHS. This script is called using the qsub Array Job option (-t), allowing cell types to be process in batches of 10 simultaneously on a computer cluster. sampleFile [blacklist.txt]
After all of those jobs have completed and produced one file per sample in subdirectory tagDensities, run the following script:
This will create the file masterDHSsAndTagCounts.bed4
, in which fields
1-3 are the coordinates of each DHS (150bp wide) observed in the genome in the
N cell types, and field 4 holds an N-element, comma-delimited vector of
normalized and scaled signal intensities (one per cell type) observed at the DHS
displayed in fields 1-3.
Correlations are computed between "promoter DHSs" and non-promoter DHSs ("distal DHSs") within some radius of each promoter DHS, usually a 500kb radius around each promoter DHS. Defining a promoter DHS for a transcription start site (TSS) in a gene is an extremely inexact science. What I do for each TSS is to call the DHS that overlaps it "the promoter DHS." When a TSS is not overlapped by a DHS, I assign a nearby DHS to be the promoter DHS, slightly favoring a DHS upstream of the TSS over a DHS downstream from the TSS. When no DHS is found near enough a TSS, or no sufficiently strong DHS is found near enough a TSS, I do not assign a promoter DHS to that TSS, and that TSS therefore gets dropped from subsequent correlation analyses.
My script for assigning promoter DHSs to TSSs allows the user to tune the parameters used as thresholds and tiebreakers. My preferred default values are given below.
You can of course define promoter DHSs however you like within reason.
To define promoter DHSs, you of course need to start with a list of TSSs. You
can use any list you like. The one I use is in this file: EH_v2_TxStarts.bed6
These are TSSs from Gencode v19 for which a member of our team found RNA-seq support.
This is the command I submitted to our cluster, to define promoter DHSs:
qsub -cwd -N GetProms -S /bin/bash getPromoterDHSs \
EH_v2_TxStarts.bed6 masterDHSsAndTagCounts.bed4 10000 2500 20 100 promOutfile.bed13
You can also run it directly from the command line, if desired; this one doesn't take very long to execute (a couple minutes, I think).
That script uses the BEDOPS program closest-features, which under certain circumstances will return "NA" for the "feature" (here, a DHS) closest to an input element (here, a TSS). Moreover, the ordering on each line (TSS, then DHS) needs to be reversed. So after the script runs to completion, the first thing we need to do is reverse the order and filter out any "NA" entries, by running a command like this:
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{if($13!="NA"){print $5,$6,$7,$4,".",$8,$1,$2,$3;}}' \
promOutfile.bed13 \
| tr '\t' '@' \
| sort -k 1b,1 \
| uniq \
| tr '@' '\t' \
| sort-bed - \
> promDHSsAndTheirTSSs.bed9
(The middle commands are necessary to remove any duplicate rows arising from
distinct lines in the TSS file whose first 4 columns are identical. If you use a
TSS file that doesn't contain any such rows, the middle commands would be
superfluous. I turn tab (\t
) characters into '@' characters because I know
there are no @
characters in the gene names, chromosome names, or
Often, multiple positions within a few bp of one another get called as TSSs for the same gene. Such TSSs will map to the same DHS. So next, we need to create a file containing only the unique DHSs, by doing this:
cut -f1-4 promDHSsAndTheirTSSs.bed9 \
| tr '\t' '@' \
| sort -k 1b,1 \
| uniq \
| tr '@' '\t' \
| sort-bed - \
> promDHSsWithGeneNames.bed4
Lastly, we create a file in which each row contains the promoter DHS, gene name, and vector of normalized counts from the master list file, i.e., the vector that will be used in the correlation calculations:
bedmap --exact --delim "\t" --echo --echo-map-id \
promDHSsWithGeneNames.bed4 \
masterDHSsAndTagCounts.bed4 \
> promDHSsWithGeneNamesAndTagCounts.bed5
"Distal DHSs" are all DHSs in the master list of DHSs that aren't promoter DHSs, except:
- They should be limited to DHSs within a desired radius of promoters, e.g., 500kb
- DHSs very close to promoter DHSs should be excluded
So, do the following:
cut -f1-3 promDHSsWithGeneNamesAndTagCounts.bed5 \
| uniq \
| bedops -n -1 masterDHSsAndTagCounts.bed4 - \
> nonprom_temp.bed4
This gives the DHSs which aren't promoter DHSs. Exclude DHSs that are, say, 1kb from a promoter DHS:
closest-features --shortest --dist nonprom_temp.bed4 \
promDHSsAndTheirTSSs.bed9 \
| awk -F "|" '{dist=$3;if(dist<0){dist=-dist;}if(dist>=1000){print $1;}}' \
> nonPromoterDHSsAndTheirTagCounts_eachAtLeast1kbFromPromDHS.bed4
Finally, filter these DHSs to include only those within your target distance
from the nearest promoter DHS. Use the following command. The file it will
produce will not be easily readable like the file of promoter DHSs, but it will
be in the format expected by the program I use to compute correlations.
--range 500000
restricts to distal DHSs within 500kb of promoter DHSs; you can
of course use a different radius if desired.
bedmap --range 500000 --skip-unmapped --echo --echo-map \
promDHSsWithGeneNamesAndTagCounts.bed5 \
nonPromoterDHSsAndTheirTagCounts_eachAtLeast1kbFromPromDHS.bed4 \
> inputForCorrelationCalculations_500kb.bed
First, make sure you've followed the instructions at the outset in the first section, "Preliminary Steps," to make an executable file on your system for the correlation program.
Then, pick a threshold you're particularly interested in (e.g., 0.7), and supply this and your preferred names for the output files to the following script, like this:
qsub -cwd -N GetCorrs500kb0.7 -S /bin/bash \
inputForCorrelationCalculations_500kb.bed 0.7 corrs_promsFirst_all_celltypes_500kb.bed8 \
corrs_promsFirst_above0.7_celltypes_500kb.bed8 \
corrs_distalsFirst_all_celltypes_500kb.bed8 \
It will create 4 output files. One will contain all distal/promoter pairs and their correlations (Pearson's r), in the format promoter, gene name, distal DHS, r. Another will contain the subset of this, restricted to entries with r > your threshold. The other two files will be identical to these two, except they'll be in the format distal DHS, gene name, promoter DHS, r. This might give you 2 files you don't want, or 3 files you don't want, or you might find uses for all 4. You can delete what you don't want, and use what you want.
Once these files are created, it's a good idea to delete the input file (here,
), becuase it's really
large, no longer needed, and can be recreated again if desired.
That's all!