This is a simple CRUD based API where a user can Insert, Update, Delete and Read the records.
I have used PHP as a backend.
I have used Angular JS as the middleware for this API
I have used Bootstrap 4 and jQuery to create the frontend of the application.
I have used MySQL for database for this API.
You have to download and install XAMPP/MAMP/WAMP to run this program locally.
Download or clone this repo in C/xampp/htdocs or where you have installed the your local deployment server (in this case, I am using XAMPP).
Open your browser, and go to URL localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php
Create a new database name it:
After createing the database, gp to import tab, choose the file front the cloned/downloaded folder and select the api.sql file and press GO to import the database
Go to URL localhost/api/home.html, voila, enjoy your API seamlessly.
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