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General Info

budget-app is an expense and budget tracker.

Here is the deployed website


The project is created with:

Front-End Technologies


  • React 18.2
  • React-Redux 9.1
  • React-Router-Dom 6.16
  • Chart.js 4.4
  • React-Chartsjs-2
  • Reduxjs/toolkit 2.0.1


  • Material UI 5.14.16
  • Icons-Material 5.14.16
  • React-Icons 4.11

Back-End Technologies

  • Express 4.18.2
  • Express-Session 1.17.3
  • Axios 1.6.2
  • Mongoose 6.12.3


  • MongoDB

Getting Started

These instructions require you to have Git, Node, and NPM installed locally

Step 1: Clone the repository

$ git clone ""

Step 2: Create Your MongoDB Account and Database Cluster

  • Create your own MongoDB account by visiting the MongoDB website and signing up for a new account.
  • Create a new project
  • Use the side menu to navigate to Database under Deployment and click on Build a Database
  • Click on Create Database User and then Choose a Connection Method
  • Click MongoDB for VSCode and then follow the instructions provided by MongoDB and Copy the connection string and place it in your local application /server/.env file (you will create this in the next step)
  • make sure that your IP address has been added to the IP Access List.

Step 3: Create .env file in the /server directory

$ cd budget-app 
$ cd server
$ code .env

and include

MONGODB_CONNECT_STRING=[your MongoDB uri it will look something like this and it will need single quotation marks: 'mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>']
PORT=[the port you choose for your backend, like: 3000]
NODE_ENV = development
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET =[your JWT secret key, make something up like: thisismysecret]

replace the square brackets and save

Step 4: install dependencies and start the server

$ npm install
$ npm start

Step 5: Create .env file in the /client directory

Open a new terminal window

$ cd client

create .env file

$ echo .env

and include:

PORT=[the port you choose for your frontend]

Step 6: install dependencies and run the frontend

$ npm install
$ npm start

Step: Happy Coding!!


MIT Alexandre Steinhauslin