UltraStreamGo is a lightweight and fast library to easily manage file system objects for saving, uploading and downloading tasks.
Caching for lightning speed
File checksum for content integrity
Password for data protection
FileShare. ReadWrite for multipe stream read
Sample usage:
//your default folder to save files
StreamIdentifier.DefaultFolderPath = "J:\\Test\\";
//test file path to save in database
string filePath = "D:\\SignalGo-Sample.rar";
//file id from your sql etc id
int fileId = 456;
//your file password to access get stream
string password = "123";
using (StreamIdentifier streamIdentifier = new StreamIdentifier())
var info = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath);
var checkSum = FileChecksumMaker.GetFileCheckSum(filePath);
//save your information of file
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo()
Id = fileId,
CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
FileChecksumInfo = checkSum,
FileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath),
DataType = "application/x-rar-compressed",
FileSize = info.Length,
LastUpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
Password = password
//start upload your file or stream
var result = streamIdentifier.StartUpload(fileInfo, filePath, 0, info.Length, (position) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Position Wrote : {position} From Length: {info.Length}");
Console.WriteLine("Upload Result: " + result);
var fileToDownload = StreamIdentifier.GetFileInfo(fileId, password);
if (fileToDownload != null)
//get stream to read
var stream = StreamIdentifier.GetFileStream(fileId, 0);
Console.WriteLine("get file to download success!");
Console.WriteLine("file not found or password is wrong!");