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infer axiom type + improved normalize_decl
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Kris Brown authored and olynch committed Sep 27, 2023
1 parent d116677 commit a996cd6
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Showing 4 changed files with 64 additions and 69 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/stdlib/theories/Algebra.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ end
@theory ThPreorder <: ThSet begin
Leq(dom, codom)::TYPE
@op () := Leq
refl(p)::Leq(p,p) [p]
trans(f::Leq(p,q),g::Leq(q,r))::Leq(p,r) [p,q,r]
irrev := f == g ::Leq(p,q) [p,q, (f,g)::Leq(p,q)]
irrev := f == g :: Leq(p,q) [p,q, (f,g)::Leq(p,q)]

10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/stdlib/theories/Categories.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ The data of a category without any axioms of associativity or identities.
""" ThLawlessCat

@theory ThAscCat <: ThLawlessCat begin
assoc := ((f g) h) == (f (g h)) :: Hom(a,d)
assoc := ((f g) h) == (f (g h))
[a::Ob, b::Ob, c::Ob, d::Ob, f::Hom(a,b), g::Hom(b,c), h::Hom(c,d)]

@doc """ ThAscCat
@doc """ ThAsCat
The theory of a category with the associative law for composition.
""" ThAscCat
Expand All @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ The theory of a category without identity axioms.
""" ThIdLawlessCat

@theory ThCategory <: ThIdLawlessCat begin
idl := id(a) f == f :: Hom(a,b) [a::Ob, b::Ob, f::Hom(a,b)]
idr := f id(b) == f :: Hom(a,b) [a::Ob, b::Ob, f::Hom(a,b)]
idl := id(a) f == f [a::Ob, b::Ob, f::Hom(a,b)]
idr := f id(b) == f [a::Ob, b::Ob, f::Hom(a,b)]

@doc """ ThCategory
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The theory of a category with composition operations and associativity and ident
""" ThCategory

@theory ThThinCategory <: ThCategory begin
thineq := f == g :: Hom(A,B) [A::Ob, B::Ob, f::Hom(A,B), g::Hom(A,B)]
thineq := f == g [A::Ob, B::Ob, f::Hom(A,B), g::Hom(A,B)]

@doc """ ThThinCategory
Expand Down
31 changes: 15 additions & 16 deletions src/stdlib/theories/Naturals.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,22 @@ export ThNat, ThNatPlus, ThNatPlusTimes

using ....Syntax

# Natural numbers
# Natural numbers
@theory ThNat begin
Z ::
S(n::ℕ) ::

@theory ThNat begin
Z ::
S(n::ℕ) ::

@theory ThNatPlus <: ThNat begin
import Base: +
((x::ℕ) + (y::ℕ))::ℕ
(n + S(m) == S(n+m) :: ℕ) [n::ℕ,m::ℕ]
@theory ThNatPlus <: ThNat begin
import Base: +
((x::ℕ) + (y::ℕ))::ℕ
(n + S(m) == S(n+m) :: ℕ) [n::ℕ,m::ℕ]

@theory ThNatPlusTimes <: ThNatPlus begin
((x::ℕ) * (y::ℕ))::ℕ
(n * S(m) == ((n * m) + n) ::) [n::ℕ,m::ℕ]
@theory ThNatPlusTimes <: ThNatPlus begin
((x::ℕ) * (y::ℕ))::ℕ
(n * S(m) == ((n * m) + n)) [n::ℕ,m::ℕ]

88 changes: 42 additions & 46 deletions src/syntax/GATs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ Start from the arguments. We know how to compute each of the arguments; they are
given. Each argument tells us how to compute other arguments, and also elements
of the context
function equations(context::TypeCtx, args::AbstractVector{Ident}, theory::GAT; init=nothing)
function equations(context::TypeCtx, args::AbstractVector{Ident}, theory::Context; init=nothing)
ways_of_computing = Dict{Ident, Set{InferExpr}}()
to_expand = Pair{Ident, InferExpr}[x => x for x in args]
if !isnothing(init)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ function equations(theory::GAT, t::TypeInCtx)

"""Get equations for a term or type constructor"""
equations(theory::GAT, x::Ident) = let x = getvalue(theory[x]);
equations(theory::Context, x::Ident) = let x = getvalue(theory[x]);
equations(x, idents(x; lid=x.args),theory)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,50 +573,33 @@ knowing `{f => id(x)::Hom(x,x), g=> p⋅q :: Hom(x,z)}`. For `a` `b` and `c`,
we use `equations` which tell us, e.g., that `a = dom(f)`. So we can grab the
first argument of the *type* of `f` (i.e. grab `x` from `Hom(x,x)`).
function infer_type(theory::GAT, t::TermInCtx)
head = headof(t.trm)
if hasident(t.ctx, head)
getvalue(t.ctx[head]) # base case
function infer_type(ctx::Context, t::AlgTerm)
head = headof(t)
tc = getvalue(ctx[head])
if tc isa AlgType
tc # base case
tc = getvalue(theory[head])
eqs = equations(theory, head)
typed_terms = Dict{Ident, Pair{AlgTerm,AlgType}}()
for (i,a) in zip(tc.args, t.trm.args)
tt = (a => infer_type(theory, TermInCtx(t.ctx, a)))
typed_terms[ident(tc.localcontext, lid=i)] = tt
for lc_arg in reverse(getidents(tc))
if getlid(lc_arg) tc.args
# one way of determining lc_arg's value
filt(e) = e isa AccessorApplication && isa Ident
app = first(filter(filt, eqs[lc_arg]))

inferred_term = typed_terms[][2].args[app.accessor.lid.val]
inferred_type = infer_type(theory, TermInCtx(t.ctx,inferred_term))
typed_terms[lc_arg] = inferred_term => inferred_type
AlgType(headof(tc.type), map(argsof(tc.type)) do arg
substitute_term(arg, Dict([k=>v[1] for (k,v) in pairs(typed_terms)]))
typed_terms = bind_localctx(ctx, t)
AlgType(headof(tc.type), substitute_term.(argsof(tc.type), Ref(typed_terms)))

infer_type(ctx::Context, t::TermInCtx) = infer_type(AppendScope(ctx, t.ctx), t.trm)

Take a term constructor and determine terms of its local context.
This function is mutually recursive with `infer_type`.
function bind_localctx(theory::GAT, t::InCtx{T}) where T
head = headof(t.trm)
function bind_localctx(ctx::Context, t::TrmTyp)
head = headof(t)

tc = getvalue(theory[head])
eqs = equations(theory, head)
tc = getvalue(ctx[head])
eqs = equations(ctx, head)

typed_terms = Dict{Ident, Pair{AlgTerm,AlgType}}()
for (i,a) in zip(tc.args, t.trm.args)
tt = (a => infer_type(theory, TermInCtx(t.ctx, a)))
for (i,a) in zip(tc.args, t.args)
tt = (a => infer_type(ctx, a))
typed_terms[ident(tc, lid=i)] = tt

Expand All @@ -628,13 +611,15 @@ function bind_localctx(theory::GAT, t::InCtx{T}) where T
filt(e) = e isa AccessorApplication && isa Ident
app = first(filter(filt, eqs[lc_arg]))
inferred_term = typed_terms[][2].args[app.accessor.lid.val]
inferred_type = infer_type(theory, TermInCtx(t.ctx,inferred_term))
inferred_type = infer_type(ctx, inferred_term)
typed_terms[lc_arg] = inferred_term => inferred_type

Dict([k=>v[1] for (k,v) in pairs(typed_terms)])

bind_localctx(ctx::Context, t::InCtx) = bind_localctx(AppendScope(ctx, t.ctx), t.trm)

""" Replace idents with AlgTerms. """
function substitute_term(t::T, dic::Dict{Ident,AlgTerm}) where T<:TrmTyp
x = headof(t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,23 +740,32 @@ end
`axiom=true` adds a `::default` to exprs like `f(a,b) ⊣ [a::A, b::B]`
function normalize_decl(e; axiom=false)
function normalize_decl(e)
@match e begin
:($name := $lhs == $rhs :: $typ $ctx) => :((($name := ($lhs == $rhs)) :: $typ) $ctx)
:($lhs == $rhs :: $typ $ctx) => :((($lhs == $rhs) :: $typ) $ctx)
:(($lhs == $rhs :: $typ) $ctx) => :((($lhs == $rhs) :: $typ) $ctx)
:($lhs == $rhs $ctx) => :((($lhs == $rhs) :: default) $ctx)
:($trmcon :: $typ $ctx) => :(($trmcon :: $typ) $ctx)
:($trmcon $ctx) => axiom ? :(($trmcon :: default) $ctx) : e
e => e
:($name := $lhs == $rhs $ctx) => :((($name := ($lhs == $rhs))) $ctx)
:($lhs == $rhs $ctx) => :(($lhs == $rhs) $ctx)
:($(trmcon::Symbol) $ctx) => :(($trmcon :: default) $ctx)
:($f($(args...)) $ctx) && if f [:(==), :()] end => :(($f($(args...)) :: default) $ctx)
trmcon::Symbol => :($trmcon :: default)
:($f($(args...))) && if f [:(==), :()] end => :($e :: default)
_ => e

function parseaxiom(c::Context, localcontext, type_expr, e; name=nothing)
@match e begin
Expr(:call, :(==), lhs_expr, rhs_expr) => begin
equands = fromexpr.(Ref(c), [lhs_expr, rhs_expr], Ref(AlgTerm))
type = fromexpr(c, type_expr, AlgType)
c′ = AppendScope(c, localcontext)
equands = fromexpr.(Ref(c′), [lhs_expr, rhs_expr], Ref(AlgTerm))
type = if isnothing(type_expr)
infer_type(c′, first(equands))
fromexpr(c′, type_expr, AlgType)
axiom = AlgAxiom(localcontext, type, equands)
JudgmentBinding(name, axiom)
Expand All @@ -789,7 +783,7 @@ explicitly annotated symbols. For explicit annotations to be registered as such
rather than parsed as Constants, set kwarg `constants=false`.
function fromexpr(c::Context, e, ::Type{InCtx{T}}; kw...) where T
(binding, localcontext) = @match normalize_decl(e) begin
(binding, localcontext) = @match e begin
Expr(:call, :(), binding, Expr(:vect, args...)) => (binding, parsetypescope(c, args))
e => (e, TypeScope())
Expand All @@ -809,7 +803,9 @@ toexpr(c::Context, ts::TypeScope; kw...) =
Expr(:vect,[Expr(:(::), nameof(b), toexpr(c, getvalue(b); kw...)) for b in ts]...)

function fromexpr(c::Context, e, ::Type{JudgmentBinding})
(binding, localcontext) = @match normalize_decl(e; axiom=true) begin
e = normalize_decl(e)

(binding, localcontext) = @match e begin
Expr(:call, :(), binding, Expr(:vect, args...)) => (binding, parsetypescope(c, args))
e => (e, TypeScope())
Expand All @@ -818,12 +814,12 @@ function fromexpr(c::Context, e, ::Type{JudgmentBinding})

(head, type_expr) = @match binding begin
Expr(:(::), head, type_expr) => (head, type_expr)
_ => (binding, :default)
_ => (binding, nothing)

@match head begin
Expr(:(:=), name, equation) => parseaxiom(c, localcontext, type_expr, equation; name)
Expr(:call, :(==), _, _) => parseaxiom(c, localcontext, type_expr, head)
Expr(:(:=), name, equation) => parseaxiom(c, localcontext, type_expr, equation; name)
Expr(:call, :(==), _, _) => parseaxiom(c, localcontext, type_expr, head)
_ => begin
(name, arglist) = @match head begin
Expr(:call, name, args...) => (name, args)
Expand Down

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