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These tests attempt to cover all of the basic functionality of ThDEC. It also points out some strange or desired behavior.
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GeorgeR227 committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent 85572a4 commit df41b18
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 26 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/deca/ThDEC.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ function Base.nameof(f::Form; with_dim_parameter=false)

# show methods
# TODO: Remove me? Not being used anywhere
show_duality::Form) = isdual(ω) ? "dual" : "primal"

Check warning on line 272 in src/deca/ThDEC.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L272 was not covered by tests

function, ω::Form)
Expand All @@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ const SUBSCRIPT_DIGIT_0 = '₀'

as_sub(n::Int) = join(map(d -> SUBSCRIPT_DIGIT_0 + d, digits(n)))

# TODO: Do we want both nameof's for wedges? This one belows expects different args
function Base.nameof(::typeof(), s1::B1, s2::B2) where {S1,S2,B1<:BasicSymbolic{S1}, B2<:BasicSymbolic{S2}}

Check warning on line 292 in src/deca/ThDEC.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L291 - L292 were not covered by tests
Expand All @@ -297,6 +298,7 @@ end

Base.nameof(::typeof(∂ₜ), s) = Symbol("∂ₜ($(nameof(s)))")

#TODO: Add an option to output d for dual forms, typically d₀ -> dual_d₀
Base.nameof(::typeof(d), s) = Symbol("d$(sub_dim(s))")

# Base.nameof(::typeof(Δ), s) = Symbol("Δ$(sub_dim(s))")
Expand Down
121 changes: 96 additions & 25 deletions test/decasymbolic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ h, = @syms h::PrimalForm{2, :X, 2}
u2, = @syms u2::PrimalForm{0, :Y, 2}
u3, = @syms u3::PrimalForm{0, :X, 3}

@testset "Term Construction" begin
@testset "Symtypes" begin

@test symtype(ϐ) == InferredType
@test symtype(ℓ) == Literal
Expand All @@ -47,32 +47,73 @@ u3, = @syms u3::PrimalForm{0, :X, 3}

# @test_throws ThDEC.SortError ThDEC.♯(u)
@test symtype(Δ(u) + Δ(u)) == PrimalForm{0, :X, 2}

# test unary operator conversion to decaexpr
@test Term(1) == Lit(Symbol("1"))
@test Term(a) == Var(:a)
@test Term(c) == Var(:c)
@test Term(t) == Var(:t)
@test Term(∂ₜ(u)) == Tan(Var(:u))
@test_broken Term(∂ₜ(u)) == Term(DerivOp(u))

@test Term((ω)) == App1(:★₁, Var())
@test Term((η)) == App1(:★₀⁻¹, Var())

# test binary operator conversion to decaexpr
@test Term(a + b) == Plus(Term[Var(:a), Var(:b)])
# TODO: Currently parses as addition
@test_broken Term(a - b) == App2(:-, Var(:a), Var(:b))
@test Term(a * b) == Mult(Term[Var(:a), Var(:b)])
@test Term du) == App2(:₁₁, Var(), Var(:du))

@test Term+ du + d(u)) == Plus(Term[App1(:d₀, Var(:u)), Var(:du), Var()])

@syms f(x, y, z)
@test_throws "was unable to convert" Term(f(a, b, u))
@testset "Type Information" begin

@test dim(symtype(η)) == 2

@test isdual(symtype(η))
@test !isdual(symtype(u))

@test space(symtype(η)) == :X
@test spacedim(symtype(η)) == 2

@test isForm0(u)
@test !isForm0(du)
@test !isForm0(a)

@test isForm1(ω)
@test !isForm1(u)
@test !isForm1(a)

@test isForm2(η)
@test !isForm2(u)
@test !isForm2(a)

@test isDualForm(η)
@test !isDualForm(u)
@test !isDualForm(a)

@testset "Nameof" begin
@test nameof(symtype(c)) == :Constant
@test nameof(symtype(t)) == :Parameter
@test nameof(symtype(a)) == :Scalar
@test nameof(symtype(ℓ)) == :Literal

@test nameof(symtype(u)) == :Form0
@test nameof(symtype(ω)) == :Form1
@test nameof(symtype(η)) == :DualForm2

# TODO: Do we want this style of typed subtraction?
@test nameof(-, symtype(u), symtype(u)) == Symbol("₀-₀")
# TODO: This breaks since this expects the types to have a `dim` function
@test_broken nameof(-, symtype(a), symtype(b)) == Symbol("-")

@test nameof(, symtype(u), symtype(u)) == Symbol("∧₀₀")
@test nameof(, symtype(u), symtype(ω)) == Symbol("∧₀₁")
@test nameof(, symtype(ω), symtype(u)) == Symbol("∧₁₀")

# TODO: Do we need a special designation for wedges with duals in them?
@test nameof(, symtype(ω), symtype(η)) == Symbol("∧₁₂")

# TODO: Why is this being named as such?
@test nameof(∂ₜ, symtype(u)) == Symbol("∂ₜ(Form0)")
@test nameof(∂ₜ, symtype(d(u))) == Symbol("∂ₜ(Form1)")

@test nameof(d, symtype(u)) == Symbol("d₀")
@test_broken nameof(d, symtype(η)) == Symbol("dual_d₂")

@test_broken nameof(Δ, symtype(u)) == Symbol("Δ₀")
@test_broken nameof(Δ, symtype(ω)) == Symbol("Δ₁")

@test nameof(★, symtype(u)) == Symbol("★₀")
@test nameof(★, symtype(ω)) == Symbol("★₁")
@test nameof(★, symtype(η)) == Symbol("★₀⁻¹")

@testset "Symtype Promotion" begin
# test promoting types
@test promote_symtype(d, u) == PrimalForm{1, :X, 2}
@test promote_symtype(+, a, b) == Scalar
Expand All @@ -83,9 +124,39 @@ u3, = @syms u3::PrimalForm{0, :X, 3}

# test composition
@test promote_symtype(d d, u) == PrimalForm{2, :X, 2}

@testset "Term Construction" begin

# test unary operator conversion to decaexpr
@test Term(1) == Lit(Symbol("1"))
@test Term(a) == Var(:a)
@test Term(c) == Var(:c)
@test Term(t) == Var(:t)
@test Term(∂ₜ(u)) == Tan(Var(:u))
@test_broken Term(∂ₜ(u)) == Term(DerivOp(u))

@test Term((ω)) == App1(:★₁, Var())
@test Term((η)) == App1(:★₀⁻¹, Var())

# test binary operator conversion to decaexpr
@test Term(a + b) == Plus(Term[Var(:a), Var(:b)])

# TODO: Currently parses as addition
@test_broken Term(a - b) == App2(:-, Var(:a), Var(:b))
@test Term(a * b) == Mult(Term[Var(:a), Var(:b)])
@test Term du) == App2(:₁₁, Var(), Var(:du))

@test Term+ du + d(u)) == Plus(Term[App1(:d₀, Var(:u)), Var(:du), Var()])

@syms f(x, y, z)
@test_throws "was unable to convert" Term(f(a, b, u))


# this is not nabla but "bizarro Δ"
del_expand_0, del_expand_1 = @operator (S)::DECQuantity begin
@match S begin
Expand Down

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