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Julian Hossbach edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 5 revisions


Addressed by upower

option typeof default description
native-path string The battery to monitor. Refer to the Upower native-path. Can be obtained using upower --dump
icon-size integer 20 Defines the size of the icons.
format string {percentage} The text format.
format-alt string {percentage} {time} The text format when toggled.
hide-if-empty bool true Defines visibility of the module if no devices can be found.
on-click string Command to execute when clicked on the module.
tooltip bool true Option to disable tooltip on hover.
tooltip-spacing integer 4 Defines the spacing between the tooltip device name and device battery status.
tooltip-padding integer 4 Defines the spacing between the tooltip window edge and the tooltip content.
show-icon bool true Option to disable battery icon.

Format replacements:

string replacement
{percentage} The battery capacity in percentage.
{time} An estimated time either until empty or until fully charged depending on the charging state.


"upower": {
     "icon-size": 20,
     "hide-if-empty": true,
     "tooltip": true,
     "tooltip-spacing": 20

"upower": {
     "native-path": "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_D4_AE_41_38_D0_EF",
     "icon-size": 20,
     "hide-if-empty": true,
     "tooltip": true,
     "tooltip-spacing": 20

"upower": {
     "native-path": "battery_sony_controller_battery_d0o27o88o32ofcoee",
     "icon-size": 20,
     "hide-if-empty": true,
     "tooltip": true,
     "tooltip-spacing": 20

"upower": {
     "show-icon": false,
     "hide-if-empty": true,
     "tooltip": true,
     "tooltip-spacing": 20


  • #upower
  • #upower.charging
  • #upower.discharging
  • #upower.unknown-status
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