Classifies raw photos and videos from cameras and smartphones to simplify naming and uploading for search.
Execute classify_camera_files.exe on Windows or classify_camera_files on Unix. Should appear GUI (with Russian or English locale).
Note that to choose folder via "Browse" buttong it is necessarily go into it and only next press "OK".
- (first time)
python3 -m venv venv
in root folder of repo. - (after restart)
. venv/bin/acitvate
on Unix/Mac andvenv\Scripts\activate.bat
on Windows. - (first time or after pull)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- For Debian
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
, for Windows Tkinter is packed into Python installer. python3 -h
- Next see what is better way to use it.
- and
- Clone/copy repo on target OS.
python3 -m venv venv
in root folder of repo.. venv/bin/acitvate
on Unix/Mac andvenv\Scripts\activate.bat
on Windows.pip3 install -r requirements.txt
.pyinstaller --clean --onefile
(without '--clean' if first time).- Open "classify_camera_files.spec" and in "exe = EXE(..." line (last) change "console=False". Save file.
pyinstaller classify_camera_files.spec
- Resulting executable file will be placed in "dist" folder.
- Try execute from not "dist" folder! Important to ensure that all paths are relative.
- Simple classification strategy by time + files number
MVPLocalizationUI to choose foldersgit repoUI with progressUI with actionsBug: Xterm confusingBug: UI freezes during copyingNeed progress bar- Need ETA for copying in UI
Enable copy-into-clipboard from log widgetNeed alarm/signal that job finish- Bug: buttons functions are unclear (
Bug: ! Video creation time is wrong (equal job start time)- UI with fine tuning (really need?)
- Faster parsing (really need?)
- Explain actions in console
- Parse tags from video
- Classify with ML like