This is a plugin that takes your vim mappings to the next level, by using it you will gain:
- Simplicity, readability, and extensibility.
- Out-of-the-box integration with vim-which-key
- Run time checkers and validations. (ex: duplicated mappings)
- Ability to create Ruby methods to be executed by VIM mappings.
- Run time helpers.(ex: current_file_path, current_line)
- Auto-generated markdown documentation.
leader('<space>') do
normal('a', '=ip', desc: 'Indent paragraph')
normal('e', 'gg=G<C-O>', desc: 'indent current file')
visual('s', ":s//g#{move_cursor(2, :chars, :left)}", desc: 'Substitute inside selection')
prefix(',', name: 'Files', desc: 'Mappings related to file manipulation') do
normal('c', ":saveas #{current_file_path}", desc: "Duplicate current file")
normal('r', ':checktime', desc: 'Reload the file')
normal('d', ':!rm %', desc: 'Delete current file')
prefix(',', name: 'Files', desc: 'Mappings related to file manipulation', filetype: :ruby) do
normal('c', ":CreateRSpec(#{current_file_path})", desc: "Create RSpec file")
prefix ';', name: 'FuzzyFinder', desc: 'Search everything' do
prefix 'r', name: 'Rails', desc: 'Search in Rails directories' do
normal 'm', ':Files <cr> app/models/', desc: 'Find for models'
normal 'c', ':Files <cr> app/controllers/', desc: 'Find for controllers'
command('Reload', ':so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim', desc: 'Reload VIM')
Generates this:
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Leader
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
let mapleader='<space>'
if !exists('g:which_key_map')
let g:which_key_map = {}
call which_key#register('<space>', 'g:which_key_map')
nnoremap <space> :<c-u>WhichKey '<space>'<CR>
vnoremap <space> :<c-u>WhichKeyVisual '<space>'<CR>
" Indent paragraph
nnoremap <silent> <space>a =ip
call extend(g:which_key_map, {'a':'Indent paragraph'})
" indent current file
nnoremap <silent> <space>e gg=G<C-O>
call extend(g:which_key_map, {'e':'Indent current file'})
" Substitute inside selection
xnoremap <silent> s :s//g<Left><Left>
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Prefix Files
" Key ,
" Mappings related to file manipulation
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
let g:which_key_map_files = { 'name' : '+Files' }
call which_key#register(',', 'g:which_key_map_files')
nnoremap , :<c-u>WhichKey ','<CR>
vnoremap , :<c-u>WhichKeyVisual ','<CR>
" Duplicate current file
nnoremap <silent> ,c :saveas <C-R>=expand('%')<CR>
call extend(g:which_key_map_files, {'c':'Duplicate current file'})
" Reload the file
nnoremap <silent> ,r :checktime
call extend(g:which_key_map_files, {'r':'Reload the file'})
" Delete current file
nnoremap <silent> ,d :!rm %
call extend(g:which_key_map_files, {'d':'Delete current file'})
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Prefix Files
" Key ,
" Filetype: ruby
" Mappings related to file manipulation
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
let g:which_key_map_files = { 'name' : '+Files' }
call which_key#register(',', 'g:which_key_map_files')
nnoremap , :<c-u>WhichKey ','<CR>
vnoremap , :<c-u>WhichKeyVisual ','<CR>
" Create RSpec file
autocmd FileType ruby nnoremap <silent> ,c :CreateRSpec(<C-R>=expand('%')<CR>)
autocmd FileType ruby call extend(g:which_key_map_files, {'c':'Create rspec file'})
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Prefix FuzzyFinder
" Key ;
" Search everything
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
let g:which_key_map_fuzzyfinder = { 'name' : '+FuzzyFinder' }
call which_key#register(';', 'g:which_key_map_fuzzyfinder')
nnoremap ; :<c-u>WhichKey ';'<CR>
vnoremap ; :<c-u>WhichKeyVisual ';'<CR>
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Prefix FuzzyFinder > Rails
" Key ;r
" Search in Rails directories
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
let g:which_key_map_fuzzyfinder.r = { 'name' : '+FuzzyFinder > Rails' }
" Find for models
nnoremap <silent> ;rm :Files <cr> app/models/
call extend(g:which_key_map_fuzzyfinder.r, {'m':'Find for models'})
" Find for controllers
nnoremap <silent> ;rc :Files <cr> app/controllers/
call extend(g:which_key_map_fuzzyfinder.r, {'c':'Find for controllers'})
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Commands
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" Reload VIM
command! Reload :so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
Run :EditMappings
The mappings configuration file will open.
Once you save this file, the output will be saved to ~/.config/nvim/managed_mappings.vimrc
You'll need to add this line to your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
source $HOME/.config/nvim/managed_mappings.vimrc
normal('<leader>e', 'gg=G', desc: 'Indent current file')
normal 'U', desc: 'Make current word UPCASE' do
# Also could be current_line, current_buffer, current_word, current_line_number, ...
current_word = current_word.upcase
normal 'u', desc: 'Make current word downcase' do
# Also could be current_buffer, current_word, current_line_number, ...
current_word = current_word.upcase
prefix(',', name: 'Files', desc: 'Mappings related to file manipulation') do
normal('du', ":saveas #{current_file_path}", desc: "Duplicate current file")
normal('ct', ':checktime', desc: 'Reload the file')
normal('de', ":!rm #{current_file_path}", desc: 'Delete current file')
normal('y', ":let @+=#{current_file_path}:#{current_line_number}", desc: 'Relative path copied to clipboard.')
normal('Y', ":let @+=#{current_file_absolute_path}", desc: 'Absolute path copied to clipboard.')
Now if you type ,y
it will add the path of current file with the line to your clipboard
prefix('R', name: 'Ruby', desc: 'Mappings only for Ruby', filetype: :ruby) do
normal('ap', 'RExtractLet', desc: 'Transforms local variable under cursor to let')
normal('eco', 'RExtractConstant', desc: 'Transforms local variable under cursor to constant')
normal('p', 'RubyEvalPrint', desc: 'Evaluates the code under the cursor and print inline')
# ...
prefix ';', name: 'Fuzzy Finder', desc: 'Fuzzy anything' do
prefix 'r', name: 'Rails', desc: 'Search in Rails directories', filetype: :ruby do
normal 'mo', ':Files <cr> app/models/', desc: 'Find for models'
normal 'co', ':Files <cr> app/controllers/', desc: 'Find for controllers'
now ;rco
will find models inside your rails project
There are several helpers that you can use in this file.
move_cursor(1, :word, :left)
command('Reload', ':so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim', desc: 'Reload VIM')
Integration with
Tested with NEOVIM
Assuming you are using vim-plug:
Plug 'leoatchina/vim-which-key' <- Recommended for full experience
Plug 'AlexVKO/vim-mapping-manager', { 'do' : ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the VimMappingManager project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.