This is a Command Signs plugin that adds support for multiple commands on one sign. Signs support permissions, and economy. All messages sent to players are customizable in the config file.
Download one of the releases, and put it into your plugins/mods folder.
After loading the plugin for the first time, a default config will be generated.
Edit the configuration to your liking, and restart the server.
Place a sign wherever you would like, and then use the commands below. After a command, you right click the sign you want to apply it too.
In commands you can use the {player} placeholder to target the player who clicked on the sign.
- /bcs add - This is how you create signs, and add multiple commands to signs.
- /bcs permission - This is the permission node required to use the sign.
- /bcs cost - This is the cost for economy. (Uses servers default currency)
- /bcs remove - You can use this to remove a command sign, without have to actually destroy the sign.
- /bcs info - Use this to get information about a sign, shows the cost, permissions, and any commands attached.
- bcs.admin - for the bcs command.
- bcs.destroy - allows the removal of command signs