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An R-based guide to exploring, critiquing and visualizing Democracy data in Indonesia, through a collection of publicly available data sources

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An R-based guide to exploring, critiquing and visualizing Democracy data in Indonesia, through a collection of publicly available data sources. The democracy data results have been collected from the Central Bureau of Statistics of IndonesiaVarious functions of the appropriate R packages, I use to statisticize Indonesian democracy from 2009 to 2024. Hopefully it will be a useful open-source & transparent guide to investigate the past and future state of Indonesian democracy. All work presented here can be reproduced in its entirety.

Read Data Base


markdown_table <-kable(idi2009-2011, format = "markdown")
Province 2009 2010 2011
Aceh 66.29 65.36 55.54
North Sumatera 60.20 63.45 66.15
West Sumatera 60.29 63.04 65.02
Riau 75.85 71.45 70.65
Jambi 71.00 65.88 70.46
South Sumatera 72.52 73.65 67.92
Bengkulu 64.76 70.78 71.36
Lampung 67.47 67.80 74.08
Bangka Belitung Island 67.01 65.94 67.13
Riau Island 73.61 62.89 70.78
Jakarta 73.91 77.44 77.81
West Java 71.07 59.41 66.18
Central Java 66.45 63.42 65.59
Special Region of Yogyakarta 67.55 74.33 71.67
East Java 62.49 55.12 55.98
Banten 67.98 60.60 67.37
Bali 70.35 72.44 74.20
West Nusa Tenggara 58.12 58.13 54.49
East Nusa Tenggara 71.64 72.05 72.34
West Kalimantan 72.38 69.32 74.86
Central Kalimantan 77.63 71.10 76.28
South Kalimantan 66.63 70.94 66.47
East Kalimantan 72.31 73.04 66.37
North Kalimantan 0.00 0.00 0.00
North Sulawesi 70.94 65.94 71.19
Central Sulawesi 66.02 66.63 64.00
South Sulawesi 61.48 56.67 65.31
Southeast Sulawesi 64.29 54.79 57.56
Gorontalo 73.50 64.97 62.77
West Sulawesi 67.99 68.82 66.36
Maluku 69.07 69.51 68.38
North Maluku 67.21 59.92 59.17
West Papua 63.06 67.75 61.78
Papua 63.80 60.26 59.05

Create Visualization Indonesian Democracy Index 2009 - 2011


ggplot(idi2009_2011_long, aes(x = reorder(Province, -Index), y = Index, fill = Year)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(width = 0.7)) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Indonesia Democracy Index 2009-2011",
       subtitle = "Source: Central Statistica Agency",
       x = "Province",
       y = "Index",
       fill = "Year") +

Indonesia Democracy Index

Intrepetation Data about Indonesian Democracy 2009 - 2011

From the visualization results displayed, we can read the development of the level of democracy in each province in Indonesia during 2009 to 2011. If interpreted, the Papua Province Red Bar (2009) is longer than the green bar (2010) and blue (2011). This means that the Papua democracy index decreased from 2009 to 2011. In Aceh Province, the red bar (2009) and blue (2011) are slightly longer, indicating a slight increase in democracy in 2010, but then decreased in 2011.

Read Data Base


markdonw_table1 <- kable(idi2021_idi2023)
Province 2023 2022 2021
Aceh 85.71 84.66 85.50
North Sumatera 83.12 87.66 88.51
West Sumatera 72.15 78.01 76.19
Riau 79.39 84.46 88.40
Jambi 65.28 77.13 66.50
South Sumatera 80.94 86.78 85.08
Bengkulu 74.62 68.95 78.81
Lampung 73.79 79.90 76.64
Bangka Belitung Island 68.34 66.36 68.80
Riau Island 79.72 88.34 90.91
Special of Capital City Jakarta 90.66 87.39 89.27
West Java 87.97 90.61 89.71
Central Tengah 85.84 88.83 87.90
Special of Region Yogyakarta 77.76 87.35 74.31
East Java 87.29 88.48 88.11
Banten 83.11 83.80 82.26
Bali 85.23 85.78 84.62
West Nusa Tenggara 64.49 76.75 77.41
East Nusa Tenggara 90.05 89.06 87.99
West Kalimantan 92.16 91.35 81.15
Centra Kalimantan 82.01 82.05 76.09
South Kalimantan 81.40 80.70 70.13
East Kalimantan 83.00 91.40 89.46
North Kalimantan 84.59 77.93 82.78
North Sulawesi 78.15 77.76 82.92
Central Sulawesi 87.11 81.69 92.76
South Sulawesi 81.70 83.39 88.18
Southeast Sulawesi 71.72 87.49 79.28
Gorontalo 81.68 65.31 81.57
West Sulawesi 74.87 67.78 67.24
Maluku 70.55 74.49 59.36
North Maluku 65.58 70.84 80.61
West Papua 72.89 53.64 82.47
Papua 79.98 67.23 75.64

Create Visualization Indonesian Democracy by Aspect of Freedom Index 2021 - 2023


fig <-plot_ly(idi2021_2023, x = ~X2021, y = ~Province, type = 'bar',
              name = '2021', orientation = 'h') %>%
  add_trace(x = ~X2022, name = '2022', orientation = 'h') %>%
  add_trace(x = ~X2023, name = '2023', orientation ='h') %>%
  layout(yaxis = list(title = 'Province'), xaxis = list(title = 'Index'),
         barmode = 'stack',
         title = list(text = "Index of Democracy in Indonesia 2021-2023",
                      x = 0.2,
                      pad =list(t = 5, b = 15)
         margin = list(t = 25)

Indonesia Democracy Index

Intrepertation Indonesian Democracy by Aspect of Freedom Index 2021-2023

The graph you produced shows the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) for each province from 2021 to 2023. This data comes from the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). West Sulawesi; This province experienced an increase in its IDI score from 2021 to 2023, with the green bar being longer than the orange and blue bars.West Papua; There was significant fluctuation with the green bar (2023) being longer than the blue bar (2021), but there was a decline in 2022. This graph helps provide an overview of how the level of democracy in various Indonesian provinces has changed over the past three years. This can be the basis for further analysis, for example to see what factors influenced the increase or decrease in the IDI score in a particular province.

Read Data Base


markdown_table2 <-kable(aspectofequality, format = "markdown")
Province Label Index
1 Papua 60.10
2 West Papua 72.52
3 Aceh 74.47
4 Central Sulawesi 74.78
5 North Maluku 74.84
6 Nusa Tenggara East 75.66
7 Jambi 76.91
8 Maluku 77.60
9 Central Kalimantan 77.66
10 North Sulawesi 78.09
11 West Kalimantan 78.55
12 Riau Island 78.82
13 Bangka Belitung Island 78.98
14 Nusa Tenggara West 79.26
15 Bengkulu 79.27
16 South Sulawesi 79.52
17 Riau 80.13
18 Central Java 80.24
19 Lampung 80.48
20 Banten 80.59
21 East Kalimantan 81.08
22 North Kalimantan 81.24
23 West Sumatera 81.48
24 North Sumatera 81.49
25 West Sulawesi 81.68
26 South Sumatera 82.14
27 South Kalimantan 82.60
28 East Jawa 83.24
29 Gorontalo 83.32
30 West Java 83.63
31 Bali 85.75
32 Special of Capital City Jakarta 86.51
33 Southeast Sulawesi 87.06
34 Special of Region Yogyakarta 89.21

Create Visualization (Geom Text) Indonesian Democracy Index Aspect of Equality 2023


ggplot(aspectofequality, aes(x = Province, y = Index)) + 
  geom_point(color = "white", size = 1) +
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = Label),  
                  color = "black", 
                  size = 3.5,
                  max.overlaps = 30) + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "red") +
  labs(title = "Index Democracy Province in Indonesia 2023 (Aspect of Equality)",
       subtitle = "Source: Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) and Central Statistics Agency",
       x = "Province",
       y = "Index") + 
  ylim(min(aspectofequality$Index) - 10, max(aspectofequality$Index) + 10) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold")) +

Indonesia Democracy Index

Intrepretation Indonesian Democracy Index in Aspect of Equality 2023

The image you uploaded shows the 2023 Democracy Index in Indonesia in terms of equality. with the horizontal (X) axis showing the provinces and the vertical (Y) axis showing the index score for each province. Each point on the graph represents the index value for a province, and the provinces are labeled on the graph. For example, Papua has an index score below 60 (the lowest value in the graph), while the Special Region of Yogyakarta is close to 100 (the highest value in the graph). The red line shown is a regression or trend line, which shows how the general relationship between provinces and the democracy index in terms of equality. This line tends to rise, indicating that most provinces have higher democracy equality index scores. Papua has the lowest index score, indicating challenges in terms of democracy equality in the province. The Special Region of Yogyakarta, Southeast Sulawesi, and the Special Region of Capital City Jakarta have the highest index scores, indicating better levels of democracy equality. Overall, the graph shows that there is variation in the equality index across provinces in Indonesia, but most provinces tend to have index scores in the range of 70 to 90.

I immediately tried to make a graph of the Indonesian democracy index from 2009 to 2023 using data from the Central Statistics Agency and the Indonesian Democracy Index.

Read Data Base


markdown_table3 <-kable(idi2009_2023, format = "markdown")
Years Index
2009 67.30
2010 63.17
2011 65.48
2012 62.63
2013 63.72
2014 73.04
2015 72.82
2016 70.09
2017 72.11
2018 72.39
2019 74.92
2020 73.66
2021 78.12
2022 80.41
2023 79.51

Create Visualization Indonesian Index Democracy (IDI) 2009-2023


idi2009_20223 <-idi2009_2023 %>%
  mutate(Index = as.numeric(Index)) #conversion index to be come numeric

idi2009_2023 %>%
  tail(15) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Years, y = Index, group = 1)) +
  geom_line(aes(x = Years, y = Index), color = "black", size = 0.1) +
  geom_point(shape = 20, color = "black", size = 3) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Index, 2)),
            vjust = -1, hjust = 0.5, size = 3)+
  theme_test() +
  labs(title = "Indonesia Democracy Index 2009 - 2023",
       subtitle = "Source: Central Statistica Agency & IDI", 
       y = "Index",
       x = "Years") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(2000, 2023, by = 1))

Indonesia Democracy Index

Critical Indonesian Democracy Index 2009-2023

Indonesia's democracy index has increased drastically and remained stable from 2017 to 2020, reaching its highest peak of 80.41. After the highest peak, there was a decline in 2023, although it was still above 79, which indicates a problem in Indonesian democracy. The decline in the period from 2022 to 2023 is a signal that Indonesian democracy is not yet fully stable and is still vulnerable to political and social challenges.

Based on the source of the Indonesian Democracy Index Province 2009 - 2023, Indonesian Democracy in 2023 experienced a decline from 2022 which obtained a value of 80.41. The following is a graphic analysis with the Indonesian Democracy Index Indicator on a Provincial Scale.

Read Data Base

indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21.23 <-read_xlsx("/Users/mymac/Desktop/Data Github/indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21-23.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1") # import data

library(dplyr) make format long data
indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21.23 <-indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21_23 %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(`2021`, `2022`, `2023`),
               names_to = "Year",
               values_to = "Value")

markdownindicatoridi21.23 <-kable(indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21.23, format = "markdown")
print(markdownindicatoridi21.23) #view result data markdown
Democracy Indicators Year Value
Freedom Between Governments 2021 84.00
Freedom Between Governments 2022 80.63
Freedom Between Governments 2023 84.87
Freedom Between Peoples 2021 76.28
Freedom Between Peoples 2022 74.10
Freedom Between Peoples 2023 74.90
Freedom of Belief 2021 88.41
Freedom of Belief 2022 86.15
Freedom of Belief 2023 82.94
Freedom to Make Policies 2021 84.01
Freedom to Make Policies 2022 83.69
Freedom to Make Policies 2023 82.88
Guaranteed Right to Vote & be Election in Election 2021 82.00
Guaranteed Right to Vote & be Election in Election 2022 82.00
Guaranteed Right to Vote & be Election in Election 2023 82.00
Fullfilment of Workers Right 2021 70.18
Fullfilment of Workers Right 2022 73.98
Fullfilment of Workers Right 2023 69.08
Freedom of Pers 2021 77.71
Freedom of Pers 2022 78.71
Freedom of Pers 2023 75.69
Gender Equality 2021 91.62
Gender Equality 2022 92.36
Gender Equality 2023 92.50
Public participation in influencing public policy through representative institutions 2021 77.38
Public participation in influencing public policy through representative institutions 2022 91.34
Public participation in influencing public policy through representative institutions 2023 86.22
Anti-monopoly of economic resources 2021 63.51
Anti-monopoly of economic resources 2022 65.31
Anti-monopoly of economic resources 2023 65.15
Poor people's access to social protection and security 2021 76.60
Poor people's access to social protection and security 2022 73.52
Poor people's access to social protection and security 2023 76.61
Equality Oportunities Jobs Region 2021 94.51
Equality Oportunities Jobs Region 2022 95.03
Equality Oportunities Jobs Region 2023 95.39
Society Access to Public Information 2021 71.90
Society Access to Public Information 2022 76.85
Society Access to Public Information 2023 77.75
Equality in Basic Policy 2021 72.66
Equality in Basic Policy 2022 73.21
Equality in Basic Policy 2023 73.46
Peformance of Legislation 2021 54.35
Peformance of Legislation 2022 54.36
Peformance of Legislation 2023 53.92
Performance of Yudication 2021 87.41
Performance of Yudication 2022 86.82
Performance of Yudication 2023 86.51
Election of Netrality 2021 64.36
Election of Netrality 2022 64.36
Election of Netrality 2023 61.44
Decision of the State Administrative Court regarding government official policies 2021 68.69
Decision of the State Administrative Court regarding government official policies 2022 61.50
Decision of the State Administrative Court regarding government official policies 2023 69.09
Environmental & Living Space Guarantee 2021 72.21
Environmental & Living Space Guarantee 2022 73.07
Environmental & Living Space Guarantee 2023 73.36
Government Budget Transparency 2021 68.91
Government Budget Transparency 2022 83.61
Government Budget Transparency 2023 94.54
Performance Birocration and Public Services 2021 78.02
Performance Birocration and Public Services 2022 81.36
Performance Birocration and Public Services 2023 72.85
Education Politics to Political Party 2021 54.27
Education Politics to Political Party 2022 73.45
Education Politics to Political Party 2023 54.02

Indicators Indonesian Democracy Index by Province 2021-2023


ggplot(indicatorindexdemocarcyprovince21.23, aes(x = Year, y = `Democracy Indicators`,
                                                 fill = Value)) +
  geom_tile(colour = "white", linewidth = 1)+
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "skyblue", high = "darkblue") +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(Value, 2)), color = 'black', size = 3.5) +
  labs(title = "Indicators Indonesian Democracy Index Source Province 2021-2023",
       subtitle ="Source: Central Statistica Agency & IDI") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"))

Indonesia Democracy Index

How to Read Changes in the Indonesian Democracy Index Indicator from 2021-2023

Stability: If an indicator shows almost the same color from 2021 to 2023, this indicates that the index value of the indicator has been relatively stable over the past three years. Increase: An indicator that shows a shift from a lighter color (lower value) to a darker color (higher value) from 2021 to 2023 indicates an increase in the index. Decrease Conversely, if the shift occurs from a dark color to a light color, this indicates a decrease in the democracy index on the indicator.

This explain scores data to the translate in ranking numeric scala number 1 (Lowest) to scale number 10 (Highest).

Data Frame

   # Create a data frame from the provided data
   data <- data.frame(
     Category = c('Democracy Status', 'Stateness', 'Monopoly\n on the use of force', 'State Identity', 'No Interferences Religion Dogma', 'Basic Information',
                  'Political Participation', 'Free and fair election', 'Effective power to govern', 'Association / assembly rights', 'Freedom Experience',
                  'Rule of Law', 'Separation of powers', 'Independent judiciary', 'Prosecution of office abuse', 'Civil rights',
                  'Stability of Democratic Institutions', 'Performance of democratic institutions', 'Commitment to democratic institutions',
                  'Political and Social Integration', 'Party system', 'Interest groups', 'Approval of democracy', 'Social capital',
                  'Economy Status', 'Level of Socioeconomic Development', 'Socioeconomic barriers',
                  'Organization of the Market and Competition', 'Market organization', 'Competition policy', 'Liberalization of foreign trade',
                  'Banking system', 'Monetary and Fiscal Stability', 'Monetary stability', 'Fiscal stability',
                  'Private Property', 'Property rights', 'Private enterprise',
                  'Welfare Regime', 'Social safety nets', 'Equal opportunity',
                  'Economic Performance', 'Output strength', 'Sustainability', 'Environmental policy', 'Education / R&D policy',
                  'Governance Index', 'Level of Difficulty', 'Structural constraints', 'Civil society traditions', 
                  'Conflict intensity', 'GNI p.c. Atlas method rescaled','UN Educ. Index rescaled',
                  'Governance Performance','Steering Capability','Prioritization','Implementation','Policy learning',
                  'Resource Efficiency','Efficient use of assets','Policy coordination','Anti-corruption policy',
                  'Consensus-Building','Consensus on goals','Anti-democratic actors','Cleavage / conflict management','Public consultation','Reconciliation',
                  'International Cooperation','Effective use of support','Credibility','Regional cooperation'),
     Score = c(6.3, 6.5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 5.8, 8, 6, 5, 4, 6, 8, 5, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 6, 6.8, 6, 7, 7, 7,
               6.7, 5, 5, 6.5, 6, 5, 7, 8, 7.5, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6,
               5.5, 6, 5,
               8, 8, 4, 3, 5,
               5.48, 5.1, 5.1, 6,
               5, 6 ,3,
               6.15 ,6.3 ,7 ,6 ,6,
               5 ,5 ,6 ,4,
               5.6 ,6 ,5 ,6 ,6 ,5,
               7.7 ,7 ,8 ,8)


                                     Category Score
1                            Democracy Status  6.30
2                                   Stateness  6.50
3              Monopoly\n on the use of force  7.00
4                              State Identity  7.00
5             No Interferences Religion Dogma  5.00
6                           Basic Information  7.00
7                     Political Participation  5.80
8                      Free and fair election  8.00
9                   Effective power to govern  6.00
10              Association / assembly rights  5.00
11                         Freedom Experience  4.00
12                                Rule of Law  6.00
13                       Separation of powers  8.00
14                      Independent judiciary  5.00
15                Prosecution of office abuse  5.00
16                               Civil rights  6.00
17       Stability of Democratic Institutions  6.50
18     Performance of democratic institutions  7.00
19      Commitment to democratic institutions  6.00
20           Political and Social Integration  6.80
21                               Party system  6.00
22                            Interest groups  7.00
23                      Approval of democracy  7.00
24                             Social capital  7.00
25                             Economy Status  6.70
26         Level of Socioeconomic Development  5.00
27                     Socioeconomic barriers  5.00
28 Organization of the Market and Competition  6.50
29                        Market organization  6.00
30                         Competition policy  5.00
31            Liberalization of foreign trade  7.00
32                             Banking system  8.00
33              Monetary and Fiscal Stability  7.50
34                         Monetary stability  8.00
35                           Fiscal stability  8.00
36                           Private Property  6.00
37                            Property rights  6.00
38                         Private enterprise  6.00
39                             Welfare Regime  5.50
40                         Social safety nets  6.00
41                          Equal opportunity  5.00
42                       Economic Performance  8.00
43                            Output strength  8.00
44                             Sustainability  4.00
45                       Environmental policy  3.00
46                     Education / R&D policy  5.00
47                           Governance Index  5.48
48                        Level of Difficulty  5.10
49                     Structural constraints  5.10
50                   Civil society traditions  6.00
51                         Conflict intensity  5.00
52             GNI p.c. Atlas method rescaled  6.00
53                    UN Educ. Index rescaled  3.00
54                     Governance Performance  6.15
55                        Steering Capability  6.30
56                             Prioritization  7.00
57                             Implementation  6.00
58                            Policy learning  6.00
59                        Resource Efficiency  5.00
60                    Efficient use of assets  5.00
61                        Policy coordination  6.00
62                     Anti-corruption policy  4.00
63                         Consensus-Building  5.60
64                         Consensus on goals  6.00
65                     Anti-democratic actors  5.00
66             Cleavage / conflict management  6.00
67                        Public consultation  6.00
68                             Reconciliation  5.00
69                  International Cooperation  7.70
70                   Effective use of support  7.00
71                                Credibility  8.00
72                       Regional cooperation  8.00

Assign colors based on Category

   data <- data %>%
     mutate(Color = case_when(
       Category %in% c('Democracy Status', 'Stateness', 'Monopoly on the use of force', 'State Identity', 'No Interferences Religion Dogma', 'Basic Information',
                       'Political Participation', 'Free and fair election', 'Effective power to govern', 'Association / assembly rights', 'Freedom Experience',
                       'Rule of Law', 'Separation of powers', 'Independent judiciary', 'Prosecution of office abuse', 'Civil rights',
                       'Stability of Democratic Institutions', 'Performance of democratic institutions', 'Commitment to democratic institutions',
                       'Political and Social Integration', 'Party system', 'Interest groups', 'Approval of democracy', 'Social capital') ~ 'darkred',
       Category %in% c('Economy Status', 'Level of Socioeconomic Development', 'Socioeconomic barriers',
                       'Organization of the Market and Competition', 'Market organization', 'Competition policy', 'Liberalization of foreign trade',
                       'Banking system', 'Monetary and Fiscal Stability', 'Monetary stability', 'Fiscal stability',
                       'Private Property', 'Property rights', 'Private enterprise',
                       'Welfare Regime', 'Social safety nets', 'Equal opportunity',
                       'Economic Performance', 'Output strength', 'Sustainability', 'Environmental policy', 'Education / R&D policy') ~ 'darkblue',
       TRUE ~ 'darkgreen'
     )) %>%
     mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
   # Add more empty bars for spacing for model visual circular
   empty_bar <- 20
   to_add <- matrix(NA, empty_bar, ncol(data))
   colnames(to_add) <- colnames(data)
   data <- rbind(data, to_add)
   data$id <- seq(1, nrow(data))


Category Score     Color id
1                            Democracy Status  6.30   darkred  1
2                                   Stateness  6.50   darkred  2
3              Monopoly\n on the use of force  7.00   darkred  3
4                              State Identity  7.00   darkred  4
5             No Interferences Religion Dogma  5.00   darkred  5
6                           Basic Information  7.00   darkred  6
7                     Political Participation  5.80   darkred  7
8                      Free and fair election  8.00   darkred  8
9                   Effective power to govern  6.00   darkred  9
10              Association / assembly rights  5.00   darkred 10
11                         Freedom Experience  4.00   darkred 11
12                                Rule of Law  6.00   darkred 12
13                       Separation of powers  8.00   darkred 13
14                      Independent judiciary  5.00   darkred 14
15                Prosecution of office abuse  5.00   darkred 15
16                               Civil rights  6.00   darkred 16
17       Stability of Democratic Institutions  6.50   darkred 17
18     Performance of democratic institutions  7.00   darkred 18
19      Commitment to democratic institutions  6.00   darkred 19
20           Political and Social Integration  6.80   darkred 20
21                               Party system  6.00   darkred 21
22                            Interest groups  7.00   darkred 22
23                      Approval of democracy  7.00   darkred 23
24                             Social capital  7.00   darkred 24
25                             Economy Status  6.70  darkblue 25
26         Level of Socioeconomic Development  5.00  darkblue 26
27                     Socioeconomic barriers  5.00  darkblue 27
28 Organization of the Market and Competition  6.50  darkblue 28
29                        Market organization  6.00  darkblue 29
30                         Competition policy  5.00  darkblue 30
31            Liberalization of foreign trade  7.00  darkblue 31
32                             Banking system  8.00  darkblue 32
33              Monetary and Fiscal Stability  7.50  darkblue 33
34                         Monetary stability  8.00  darkblue 34
35                           Fiscal stability  8.00  darkblue 35
36                           Private Property  6.00  darkblue 36
37                            Property rights  6.00  darkblue 37
38                         Private enterprise  6.00  darkblue 38
39                             Welfare Regime  5.50  darkblue 39
40                         Social safety nets  6.00  darkblue 40
41                          Equal opportunity  5.00  darkblue 41
42                       Economic Performance  8.00  darkblue 42
43                            Output strength  8.00  darkblue 43
44                             Sustainability  4.00  darkblue 44
45                       Environmental policy  3.00  darkblue 45
46                     Education / R&D policy  5.00  darkblue 46
47                           Governance Index  5.48 darkgreen 47
48                        Level of Difficulty  5.10 darkgreen 48
49                     Structural constraints  5.10 darkgreen 49
50                   Civil society traditions  6.00 darkgreen 50
51                         Conflict intensity  5.00 darkgreen 51
52             GNI p.c. Atlas method rescaled  6.00 darkgreen 52
53                    UN Educ. Index rescaled  3.00 darkgreen 53
54                     Governance Performance  6.15 darkgreen 54
55                        Steering Capability  6.30 darkgreen 55
56                             Prioritization  7.00 darkgreen 56
57                             Implementation  6.00 darkgreen 57
58                            Policy learning  6.00 darkgreen 58
59                        Resource Efficiency  5.00 darkgreen 59
60                    Efficient use of assets  5.00 darkgreen 60
61                        Policy coordination  6.00 darkgreen 61
62                     Anti-corruption policy  4.00 darkgreen 62
63                         Consensus-Building  5.60 darkgreen 63
64                         Consensus on goals  6.00 darkgreen 64
65                     Anti-democratic actors  5.00 darkgreen 65
66             Cleavage / conflict management  6.00 darkgreen 66
67                        Public consultation  6.00 darkgreen 67
68                             Reconciliation  5.00 darkgreen 68
69                  International Cooperation  7.70 darkgreen 69
70                   Effective use of support  7.00 darkgreen 70
71                                Credibility  8.00 darkgreen 71
72                       Regional cooperation  8.00 darkgreen 72
73                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 73
74                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 74
75                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 75
76                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 76
77                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 77
78                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 78
79                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 79
80                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 80
81                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 81
82                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 82
83                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 83
84                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 84
85                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 85
86                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 86
87                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 87
88                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 88
89                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 89
90                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 90
91                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 91
92                                       <NA>    NA      <NA> 92

Indonesia Transformation Index 2024


   # Create the plot
   label_data <- data
   number_of_bar <- nrow(data)
   angle <- 90 - 360 * (label_data$id - 0.5) / number_of_bar
   label_data$hjust <- ifelse(angle < -90, 1, 0)
   label_data$angle <- ifelse(angle < -90, angle + 180, angle)
   p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = as.factor(id), y = Score, fill = Color)) +      
     geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = "white") +
     scale_fill_identity() +
     ylim(-15, 10) +  # Adjust to make the circle fuller
     theme_minimal() +
       axis.text = element_blank(),
       axis.title = element_blank(),
       panel.grid = element_blank(),
       plot.margin = unit(rep(-2, 4), "cm") 
     ) +
     coord_polar(start = 0) + 
     # Display Category names
     geom_text(data = label_data, aes(x = id, y = Score + 1.5, label = Category, hjust = hjust), color = "black", fontface = "bold", alpha = 0.7, size = 1.5, angle = label_data$angle, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
     # Display Score values
     geom_text(aes(x = as.factor(id), y = Score - 0.5, label = Score), color = "white", size = 2) +
     # Add central legend
 annotate("text", x = 0, y = -12, label = "Indonesia Transformation Index 2024", color = "black", fontface = "bold", size = 3) +
     annotate("text", x = 0, y = -13, label = "Political Transformation", color = "darkred",fontface = "bold", size = 2) +
     annotate("text", x = 0, y = -14, label = "Economic Transformation", color = "darkblue",fontface = "bold", size = 2) +
     annotate("text", x = 0, y = -15, label = "Governance", color = "darkgreen", fontface = "bold", size = 2) 
   # show visual graph  

Indonesia Democracy Index

Transformation Index Indonesia Source:Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) 2024

We can distinguish some colors, red by Political Transformation, blue by Economic Transformation and green by Governance. Interpretation per first category, Political Transformation seems to have a high red bar indicating about political stabilization, quality democracy, free society and, protection of human rights by the government. And than Economic Transformation, this category has aspects such as market competition, policy trade, economic stabilization, and money infrastructure. Low scores have challenges in capital efficiency or economic stabilization. Lastly about Governance, has aspects of anti-corruption policy, asset utilization, and international relations. High scores indicate effective governance by the government and low corruption. Low scores may indicate Indonesia's challenges in developing effective institutions.


An R-based guide to exploring, critiquing and visualizing Democracy data in Indonesia, through a collection of publicly available data sources







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