This is opengl-multi-core program i create it when i learn open gl this source code consist of many parts
Warn : You can't run/build many cores at the same time
There is just one start point
due to github repository size limitation and git tracking system limitation with binary/blob files I can not provide dll files and exe files here since it is not in git tracking system so this may force you to download all those files manualy
I Upload the whole project to mega cloude, so you can just download it , and use it directly
Also notice it's includes all generated binary files for all development steps
including fractal shader engine
due to complexity of containing pure OpenGl window inside HWND pointer wrappers for most of libraries I record this video to explain
containing openGL inside Qt container only qt dlls needed, without need to qt creator/studio or any scaffolding or WISWIG tools
this video i pretty long 1:46:16
Also i used java i used java for this demonstration , you can use what you want
to get/update dll references in C++ project
- Implement most of light physics princibles for 2d and 3d models
- Load 2d and 3d models with texturing, and apply custom filters
- Easly move in the environment with mouse and keyboard, also support zoom
- Shading object borders with tensile shader
- Complete ShaderBox to render equations written in
high customizable- Customizable render width and height, even more than your screen dimenssions,
be aware of overflowing your GPU
- Allow passing paramaeters from muse postion x,y so you can make two parent dynamic parameter to change it in runtime with just move your mouse
- If you do not know what is ShaderBox exactly is, see: GlslSandbox and ShaderToy
- Customizable render width and height, even more than your screen dimenssions,
- This projects does not implement body/mass physics engine, it is pretty complex and out of scope of OpenGL itself so i prefered to not wast my time by implementing it
- ShaderBox
- General