This is a repo of tools that I use to setup a development machine on OS-X. To dive right in, just run this script here however...
bash <(curl -s
I advise following the steps below to insure the best experience. :)
Setup an Apple ID that can be used for downloads related to patches, updates, Xcode things, Apple Updates, and related content. Create the Apple ID account related to that company to remove yourself from liability for any personal Apple ID content being used on the machine, this insures you're using only company owned products and you're not mistakenly using products that you might have registered on your own Apple ID account. To complete these steps and register an Apple ID follow these steps.
This is needed to get brew to work right and is generally necessary for a whole host of other reasons. The best way to do this, is with the Apple ID created download and install XCode and run it once to accept the license. If anybody knows the installation steps to do this in an automated and scripted fashion, please let me know and I'll be euphoric to add it back to the script.
This script is designed to install a number of things (listed below). It is also assuming that the OS-X Computer you're about to install all of this on hasn't had a single thing installed on it that didn't come from Apple itself. This script will cleanup and install a number of things specifically for development purposes. To run this script just open a terminal and run the following command (Same as mentioned above). During this command you will be prompted a few times for your password to insure installation succeeds, otherwise it is very low maintenance and one can step away and come back as necessary.
bash <(curl -s
More info to come.
- git
- Node.js 4.x and 5.x via NVM.
- python
- wget
- dropbox
- firefox
- google-chrome
- java 8
- Sublime 3
- vagrant
- vagrant-manager
- VMware Fusion 8.1.0 (will require a key upon launch or use 30-day free trial)
- virtualbox
- webstorm
- intellij-idea
- atom
- iterm2
- dockertoolbox w/ default VM created.