Ensure you have the following environment variables:
- APP_OPENAI_API_KEY, create an account on OpenAI to get your API key
- APP_REPLICATE_API_TOKEN, create an account on Replicate to get your API key
- APP_ELEVENLABS_API_KEY, create an account on Elevenlabs to get your API key
- APP_GCP_PROJECT_ID, it is the ID of your project in Google Cloud Platform(https://cloud.google.com/?hl=en)
- APP_VERTEXAI_LOCATION, use a geographic location that is compatible with Vertex AI (I'm using us-central1)
Make sure to login in GCP with the command:
gcloud auth application-default login
This will allow the backend running inside the Docker container to use these credentials to authenticate with Google Cloud Services.
Ensure that you have both Docker and docker-compose installed on your system. I'm using Builtkit in the backend Dockerfile. Therefore, you must activate the corresponding environment variables to build the Docker images.
To start the application, simply run:
make dc-up
- FastApi - A modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python 3.8+
- Angular - An application-design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated singled-page apps.
- TailwindCSS - a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites.
- Docker - a software to build and run container applications.
- Redis - An open source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.
│ # Python backend using FastApi and Redis
├── backend
│ # Angular and tailwind CSS frontend
├── frontend
│ # Docker compose config files
├── docker-compose
│ # An example to fine tune gpt3.5 turbo with a sample of data
└── example-fine-tuning
MIT License.
You can reuse any part of my work and code for free without notifying me by forking this project under the following conditions:
- Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to my repository (https://github.com/AdrienHdz/AI_assistant_chatbot) or to my website (https://www.adrienhernandez.com/).
- For example: "This project is built based on Adrien Hernandez's AI assistant chatbot project."