- Daily files from CTSM (minimum 3 years period)
- ESACCI and in-situ observation files (available by request at [email protected])
- python3 (numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn, netCDF4, similaritymeasures, cartopy libraries)
- cdo (minimum 2.0.3)
- nco (minimum 5.0.6)
- bash shell
- sbatch
Replace * *
with your own options
export run_name=*casename*
export startyear=*yyyy*
export endyear=*yyyy*
export descriptiongrid=*descriptiongridname*
export descriptionreg=*descriptiongridname*
export cegio=$PWD
export scratch_dir=*scratch_dir*
ln -s *data_directory* data/$run_name
and descriptionreg
are descriptions of the grid and domain you are using. Those tags are needed for the mappinng in Mappings and plots 3. and 4.
- Extract desired variables
sbatch ./postproc/extract_variable.sh
- Compute monthly averages
sbatch ./postproc/monthlyaverage.sh
- Run post-processing. This includes:
- Extract MAGT and make year averages
- Compute permafrost extent
- Compute Active Layer Thickness (ALT)
sbatch ./postproc/run_postproc_py_clm.sh
- Run CTSM vs in-situ stations
sbatch ./evaluation/stations/run_py.sh
- Run CTSM vs CALM stations
sbatch ./evaluation/CALM/run_py.sh
- Run CTSM vs. ESACCI evaluation of 3 variables (TSOI, ALT and PFR)
- Create scatter plots and PCM area maps for every station
sbatch ./evaluation/stations/make_figures/run_figures.sh
- Create splines graph, linear plot and trumpet curves for specific station
- Create maps for CTSM vs. CALM
sbatch ./evaluation/CALM/make_figures/run_figure.sh
- Create maps for CTSM vs. ESACCI comparisons
sbatch ./evaluation/ESACCI/make_figures/run_averages.sh