Not so long ago, we successfully migrated our extension to Chrome’s new API, and now, when you download AdGuard Browser Extension from the web store, you’ll automatically get the new MV3 version. But what if you want to stick with the MV2 extension? No worries, we’ve got you covered, at least for now – it will keep working as long as Google continues to support the old API. As for where to find it: we’ve moved the MV2 extension to the spot where the beta used to be available.
- The exception
filtering rule is not working properly #2912. - Scriptlets exclusion matching is not working properly for rules with arguments #2947.
Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules)
- Scriptlets updated to v1.12.1.
TSUrlFilter (AdGuard Browser Extension filtering engine)
- TSUrlFilter updated to v3.0.5.
TSWebExtension (Library wrapper for Browser API and TSUrlFilter)
- TSWebExtension updated to v2.0.3
AGTree (A tool for working with adblock filter lists)
- AGTree updated to to v2.1.2
AdGuard Logger (A tool for logging from AdGuard extensions)
- Logger updated to v1.0.2