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Releases: Acumatica/CMMS-Lite

CMMS-lite for Build 23.106.0050

03 Nov 14:18
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CMMS-Lite customization project for Acumatica 2023R1, build 23.106.0050. This project has been upgraded to 23r1 and includes preview samples of the Modern UI screens for non-production use.

To preview the Modern UI screens which are still under development, on a non-production instance:

  1. Install nvm-windows.
  • [a] Run nvm install 18.16.0 to install npm.
  • [b] Run nvm use 18.16.0 to set the installed version to use.
  1. Install Git.
  2. Navigate within the website folder to FrontendSources.
  3. Run npn run getmodules
  4. Run npm run build
  5. In the website web.config Appsettings section, add <add key="EnableSiteMapSwitchUI" value="true" />
  6. In the Site Map, toggle the following screens from classic to modern
  • [WO101000] Work Order Preferences
  • [WO201000] Work Order Class
  • [WO202000] Measurements
  • [WO203000] Failure Modes
  • [WO204000] Equipment
  • [WO301000] Work Order
  • [WO501000] Process Work Orders

CMMS-lite for Build 22.111.0020

20 Apr 20:21
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The culmination of Phase 1 development by a team of developers from the Acumatica Community, this project provides basic CMMS functionality for Acumatica Build 22.111.0020. This version was demonstrated in a developer session of Acumatica Summit 2023 in Las Vegas. In addition to various setup and configuration screens, the primary screens provided are Equipment and Work Order and supports assigning template work orders to equipment for time-based scheduling.