An HTML5 player supporting Danmaku (bullet comments) and subtitles (dev)
// Enable debug mode
window.XtPlayerDebug = true;
var xtPlayer = new XtPlayer("#app", {
// Video source URL
src: "8.mp4",
// Loader type for video (hls, flv) requires preloaded scripts (hls.js, flv.js)
loader: "mp4",
quality: [ // Video quality options supported from v1.2.0
name: "High Definition",
src: "8.mp4",
loader: "mp4"
name: "Clear",
src: "8.mp4",
loader: "mp4"
name: "Smooth",
src: "8.mp4",
loader: "mp4"
width: 800, // Player width
height: 'auto', // Auto height
// Preview image for initialization
poster: "",
// Auto-play setting [user memory storage]
autoplay: false,
// Preload setting [user memory storage]
preload: true,
// Loop playback setting [user memory storage]
loop: false,
// Default volume level (0-1)
volume: 1,
// Danmaku (bullet comments) configuration
danmaku: {
// Default display setting for Danmaku [user memory storage]
enable: true,
// Danmaku retrieval API format: [{text:'xxx',color:'xxxx',time:1}]
api: "",
// Danmaku sending API
send: "",
// Single line Danmaku density spacing (default 5)
dense: 5,
// Maximum number of Danmaku on screen (default 500)
screenMax: 500,
// Danmaku opacity (default 1)
opacity: 1,
// Danmaku font size (default 18) [not recommended to modify]
fontSize: 18,
// Danmaku movement speed (default 1)
move: 1
// Subtitle configuration
subtitle: {
// Default display setting for subtitles [user memory storage]
enable: true,
// Subtitle API format: [{text: "Subtitle content", start:"start seconds", end:"end seconds"}]
api: ""
button: { // Bottom control button display settings v1.2.1
volume: false, // Volume control
setting: false, // Settings
windowFullScreen: false, // Windowed full screen
fullScreen: false // Full screen
- Added rewind feature for Danmaku timing
- Introduced colored Danmaku
- Rewritten in Rust
- Fixed the issue with Danmaku resizing in full-screen mode
- Added picture-in-picture mode via right-click
- Added manual time jump setting
- Added toggle display for settings button
- Introduced full-screen capability for web pages
- Added speed adjustment via right-click
- Added video quality selection
- Fixed known display bugs
- Fixed the discrepancy issue with the progress bar slider display
- Fixed various known bugs
- Added support for loading videos with flv.js
- Initial release of XtPlayer, supporting subtitles and Danmaku.