Nginx Reverse Proxy Setter
It started just for reverse proxy but now you can do all static file handling as well
If you wondering if this is secure this uses a 2^7 bit security code to do anything.
It provides with a frontend to setup Nginx server.
Because the nginx confs are ugly🤢
Usually your laptop or desktop but can be the remote server itself
- NodeJS
The remote server
- python3 (For reading and righting the nginx config)
- python3-pip (installing things for python)
- virtualenv (so that nrps does not mess up other things)
- nginx (duh …)
- supervisor (to keep python running and restarting when it stops)
- certbot (for https)
- certbot-nginx (for https)
Follow docs
A flask api(backend) run as a root user, can read and write the nginx conf file, it gets requests form front end.
The fronend is a vue app, requests are send using axios.
Login authentication is done by flask
- set up ip address in
in the place
cd frontend/
npm install
npm run serve
- Set up IP address in
in the place
- Put in the
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt