Repository contains all raw NEEM data files that were recorded from VR environment.
- What is the longest event that occurred?
findall([Duration, Evt],
( event_interval(Evt, Begin, End),
Duration is End - Begin
max_member([MaxDuration, LongestEvt], Durations).
- What was source container while pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_participant(Act, Obj),
has_type(Role, soma:'SourceContainer'), triple(Obj, dul:'hasRole', Role).
- What was destination container while pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_participant(Act, Obj),
has_type(Role, soma:'DestinationContainer'),
triple(Obj, dul:'hasRole', Role).
- How long pouring lasted?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), event_interval(Act, Begin, End),
Duration is End - Begin.
- Which hands participated during pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_type(Hand, soma:'Hand'),
- What motion was used for pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk),
triple(Motion, '', Act).
- What was maximum angle while pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_participant(Act, Obj),
has_type(Role, soma:'SourceContainer'),
triple(Obj, dul:'hasRole', Role),
triple(Obj, dul:'hasRegion', Region),
triple(Region, '', AngleMax).
- What was minimum angle while pouring?
has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_participant(Act, Obj),
has_type(Role, soma:'SourceContainer'),
triple(Obj, dul:'hasRole', Role),
triple(Obj, dul:'hasRegion', Region),
triple(Region, '', AngleMin).
- Find pouring substance with its role and the quantity.
findall([Obj, Role],
( has_type(Tsk, ''),
executes_task(Act, Tsk), has_participant(Act, Obj),
has_type(Obj, dul:'Substance'), triple(Obj, dul:'hasRole', Role)
Objects), length(Objects, Quantity)