- initialises with array of seeds
- fetches data from each seed url
- all the urls on the page
- keywords provided in the head of the page (given by tag 'meta')
- description provided in the head of the page (given by tag 'meta')
- all headers on the page (h1 unto h6)
- the full text on a page, as a raw string without punctuation (given by tag 'p')
- saves all data in a CSV file. Each row in the file is a new seed
- For each seed, removes all the stopwords from data provided
- Stems the words (e.g. groups together words such as 'fish', 'fishes', 'fishing', etc.)
- Counts amount of time each word is being used from each data attribute in a hash [PROVIDE EXAMPLE]
- includes the index of the seed, to correlate with the data in the CSV
- Calculates a score when a query word is provided
- Takes in hash provided by the indexer, plus the query
- Calculates final score by multiplying the amount of times a
word is used by a value dependent on where the word is
Multiplier breakdown: see bottom of page
Example: query word = "spider". Used in:
- keywords: 2
- description: 1
- headers: 2
- text: 6
- total score: (2 x 4) + (1 x 3) + (2 x 2) + (6 x 1) = 21
- Interacts with the user
- User can give a keyword to search
- for all seeds a ranker is created
- each ranker calculates the total score relative to the query
- all ranks are placed in an array and sorted by score
- All seed urls are printed in the proposed sorting, highest rank at the top
As a Person,
So I can expand my knowledge,
I would like to search some websites
As a Person,
So I can search for a specific topic,
I can type in some keywords
As a Person,
So I can choose the right website to visit,
I want the options to be displayed
As a Person,
So I can choose the most relevant website,
I want the options to be ranked
As a Person,
So I have the right information,
I want the search engine to look for specific matching data on a webpage
As a Maintainer,
So I can save storage,
I want to stem the raw texts from webpages before indexing
As a Maintainer,
So I have control over my crawler,
I want the possibility to add URLs to the seed manually
Ranking Multiplier
url : 5
keywords: 4
description: 3
headers: 2
text: 1