Logos created using Inkscape - use that to edit. The logo fonts are Nimbus Sans, not how to make sure it is editable across other systems.
: master file we are using to iterate. Note that it has
many layers, turn them off and on to experiment.
More files will be added later once we have a decision on what to use.
: original credit to Enrico Glerean @eglereanlogo-hexagons-02
: change to Nimbus Sans font and other improvements, credit to Seppo Äyräväinen @sayravai-compact
versions have font outlines instead of fonts.
Notes: if hexagon side is a, diameter is 2a, then height of the 3-hexagon logo is 3.5a, width is 2a*sqrt(3), and radius ofthe circle it fits in is 4a.
Hex sticker spec: https://github.com/terinjokes/StickersStandard
Our main stickers are:
The hexagonal stickers should be printed 4.399 cm wide. The height (of full hexagon ones) would be 5.080 cm. The magenta line is the cut line.
First order was 6cm tall. Sample filename for reordering:
In principle the self-made items would be CC-BY 4.0. But right now it's not clear what is made by us. In general reuse is encouraged though. A license doesn't include misrepresenting us.