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Piggy bank smart contract improvements (#240)
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4ever2 authored Dec 29, 2023
2 parents ceaccd7 + cec1823 commit 9858610
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Showing 2 changed files with 140 additions and 29 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions examples/piggybank/PiggyBank.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,17 +79,16 @@ Section PiggyBankImpl.

Definition insert (state : State) (ctx : ContractCallContext) : Result :=
let amount := ctx.(ctx_amount) in
do _ <- throwIf (amount <=? 0) error_amount_not_positive;
do _ <- throwIf (amount <? 0) error_amount_not_positive;
do _ <- throwIf (is_smashed state) error_already_smashed;
let state := state<| balance ::= Z.add amount |> in
Ok (state, []).

Definition smash (state : State) (ctx : ContractCallContext) : Result :=
let owner := state.(owner) in
do _ <- throwIf (is_smashed state) error_already_smashed;
do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) owner) error_not_owner;
do _ <- throwIf (negb (ctx.(ctx_amount) =? 0)) error_amount_not_zero;
let acts := [act_transfer owner state.(balance)] in
do _ <- throwIf (is_smashed state) error_already_smashed;
let acts := [act_transfer owner (state.(balance) + ctx.(ctx_amount))] in
let state := state<| balance := 0 |><| piggyState := Smashed |> in
Ok (state, acts).

Expand Down
162 changes: 137 additions & 25 deletions examples/piggybank/PiggyBankCorrect.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Ltac insert_reduce :=
match goal with
| H : insert ?state ?ctx = _ |- _ =>
unfold insert in H;
destruct (ctx_amount ctx <=? 0)%Z eqn:Epos in H; try discriminate;
destruct (ctx_amount ctx <? 0)%Z eqn:Epos in H; try discriminate;
destruct (is_smashed state) eqn:Esmash in H; try discriminate

Expand All @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ Ltac smash_reduce :=
| H : smash ?state ?ctx = _ |- _ =>
unfold smash in H;
destruct (is_smashed state) eqn:Esmash in H; try discriminate;
destruct (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(owner)) eqn:Eowner in H; try discriminate;
destruct (negb (ctx_amount ctx =? 0)%Z) eqn:Enonzero in H; try discriminate
destruct (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(owner)) eqn:Eowner in H; try discriminate

(** ** Functional properties *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ Section FunctionalProperties.
smash prev_state ctx = Ok (next_state, acts) ->
next_state.(piggyState) = Smashed /\
next_state.(balance) = 0 /\
acts = [act_transfer prev_state.(owner) prev_state.(balance)].
acts = [act_transfer prev_state.(owner) (prev_state.(balance) + ctx.(ctx_amount))].
intros Hsmash.
Expand All @@ -77,14 +76,14 @@ Section FunctionalProperties.
match msg with
| Some Insert => acts = [] /\ Z.add ctx.(ctx_amount) prev_state.(balance) = next_state.(balance)
| Some Smash => next_state.(piggyState) = Smashed /\ next_state.(balance) = 0
/\ acts = [act_transfer prev_state.(owner) prev_state.(balance)]
/\ acts = [act_transfer prev_state.(owner) (prev_state.(balance) + ctx.(ctx_amount))]
| None => False
intros Hreceive. unfold PiggyBank.receive in Hreceive.
destruct msg; try discriminate.
destruct m;
[apply insert_inserts_correct | apply smash_transfers_correctly with ctx];
[apply insert_inserts_correct | apply smash_transfers_correctly];
apply Hreceive.
End FunctionalProperties.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +177,7 @@ Section SafetyProperties.
rewrite state_smashed. cbn.
- destruct_match; eauto.
destruct_match; eauto.
destruct_match; eauto.
- eauto.

Expand All @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Section SafetyProperties.
intros state_intact Hreceive.
unfold PiggyBank.receive in Hreceive.
destruct prev_state; cbn in *; rewrite state_intact in Hreceive.
destruct (ctx_amount ctx <=? 0) eqn:E; try discriminate.
destruct (ctx_amount ctx <? 0) eqn:E; try discriminate.
inversion Hreceive; cbn; lia.

Expand All @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Section SafetyProperties.

(** Balance in PiggyBank is correct on the blockchain *)
Lemma balance_on_chain' :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
forall (bstate : ChainState) caddr,
let effective_balance := (env_account_balances bstate caddr - sumZ (fun act => act_body_amount act) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr))%Z in
reachable bstate ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
Expand All @@ -229,40 +229,40 @@ Section SafetyProperties.
- lia.
- unfold PiggyBank.receive in receive_some.
destruct msg; try discriminate. destruct m;
[insert_reduce | smash_reduce; apply neq_false_eq in Enonzero];
[insert_reduce | smash_reduce];
inversion receive_some; cbn; lia.
- unfold PiggyBank.receive in receive_some.
destruct msg; try discriminate. destruct m;
[insert_reduce | smash_reduce; apply neq_false_eq in Enonzero];
[insert_reduce | smash_reduce];
inversion receive_some; destruct head; cbn in *; lia.
- now erewrite sumZ_permutation in IH by eauto.
- solve_facts.

Lemma balance_on_chain :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
forall bstate caddr,
reachable bstate ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
outgoing_acts bstate caddr = [] ->
exists cstate,
contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
env_account_balances bstate caddr = cstate.(balance).
intros * trace reach deployed.
intros * reach deployed.
edestruct balance_on_chain' as (cstate & balance); eauto.
intros Hact. rewrite Hact in balance. cbn in *.
now exists cstate.

Lemma no_outgoing_actions_when_intact :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
forall bstate caddr,
reachable bstate ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
exists cstate,
contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
(cstate.(piggyState) = Intact -> outgoing_acts bstate caddr = []).
intros * trace reach deployed.
intros * reach deployed.
contract_induction; intros; auto.
- now specialize (IH H).
- cbn in *. unfold PiggyBank.receive in receive_some.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ Section SafetyProperties.

(** When the PiggyBank is smashed its balance needs to remain zero *)
Lemma balance_is_zero_when_smashed' :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
forall (bstate : ChainState) caddr,
let effective_balance := (env_account_balances bstate caddr - sumZ (fun act => act_body_amount act) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr))%Z in
reachable bstate ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
Expand All @@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ Section SafetyProperties.
/\ ctx_from ctx <> ctx_contract_address ctx).
destruct facts as [Hamount [Hqueue _]].
unfold is_smashed in Esmash. destruct prev_state.(piggyState) eqn:Estate; try discriminate.
apply neq_false_eq in Enonzero. rewrite Enonzero in Hamount.
rewrite Hqueue, <- Hamount; try reflexivity. cbn. lia.
- now destruct facts.
- now erewrite sumZ_permutation in IH by eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ Section SafetyProperties.

Lemma balance_is_zero_when_smashed :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
forall (bstate : ChainState) caddr,
reachable bstate ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
outgoing_acts bstate caddr = [] ->
Expand All @@ -388,29 +387,142 @@ Section SafetyProperties.
(cstate.(piggyState) = Smashed ->
(env_account_balances bstate caddr = 0)%Z).
intros * trace reach deployed act.
intros * reach deployed act.
edestruct balance_is_zero_when_smashed' as (cstate & deploy & balance); eauto.
rewrite act, Z.sub_0_r in balance.
exists cstate.
split; eauto.

Lemma smash_poss :
forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
Lemma balance_on_pos :
forall bstate caddr,
reachable bstate ->
emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate) ->
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) ->
outgoing_acts bstate caddr = [] ->
exists cstate,
contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate ->
contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
0 <= cstate.(balance).
intros * reach deployed Hact.
edestruct balance_on_chain as (cstate & balance); eauto.
exists cstate.
destruct balance as [H <-].
split; auto.
apply Z.ge_le.
now apply account_balance_nonnegative.

Definition serializeState state := (@serialize State _) state.

Lemma smash_poss : forall bstate (reward : Amount) (caddr creator : Address),
address_is_contract creator = false ->
(reward >= 0)%Z ->
reachable bstate ->
emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate) ->
(exists cstate,
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) /\
env_contract_states bstate caddr = Some (serializeState cstate)) ->
exists bstate',
reachable_through bstate bstate' /\
env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) /\
emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate') /\
exists cstate',
contract_state bstate' caddr = Some cstate' /\
env_contracts bstate' caddr = Some (PiggyBank.contract : WeakContract) /\
env_contract_states bstate' caddr = Some (serializeState cstate') /\
(env_account_balances bstate' caddr = 0)%Z.
(* TODO *)
intros * Hcreator Hreward bstate_reachable bstate_queue H.
empty_queue H; destruct H as (cstate & contract_deployed & contract_state);
(* Prove that H is preserved after transfers, discarding invalid actions, calling other contracts and deploying contracts *)
only 3: destruct (address_eqdec caddr to_addr);
try (now eexists; rewrite_environment_equiv; repeat split; eauto;
cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy).
- (* Prove that H is preserved after calls to the contract *)
rewrite contract_deployed in deployed.
inversion deployed. subst.
rewrite contract_state in deployed_state.
inversion deployed_state. subst.
clear deployed_state deployed.
apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
(prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & _ & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
setoid_rewrite deserialize_serialize in serialize_prev_state.
inversion serialize_prev_state. subst.
exists new_state'.
rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; repeat split; eauto;
cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy.
- update_all.
(* Check if piggybank is already smashed *)
destruct (is_smashed cstate) eqn:smashed.
+ (* Case: smashed *)
(* In this case the balance should already be zero *)
edestruct balance_is_zero_when_smashed as (cstate' & deploy & balance); eauto.
* unfold outgoing_acts.
now rewrite queue.
* cbn in deploy.
rewrite contract_state in deploy.
unfold serializeState in deploy.
rewrite deserialize_serialize in deploy.
inversion deploy. subst. clear deploy.
unfold is_smashed in smashed.
destruct_match in smashed; try discriminate.
exists bstate0.
split; auto.
split; try now rewrite queue.
exists cstate'.
split; auto.
+ (* Case: intact *)
(* In this case we can smash the piggybank *)
add_block [(build_act (owner cstate) (owner cstate) (act_call caddr 0 ((@serialize Msg _) Smash)))] 1%nat; eauto.
apply list.Forall_singleton, address_eq_refl.
evaluate_action contract; try easy.
* (* Prove that there is enough balance to evaluate action *)
now apply account_balance_nonnegative.
* (* Prove that receive action returns Some *)
cbn; unfold address_neqb.
rewrite address_eq_refl; cbn.
rewrite smashed; cbn.
* cbn in *.
clear contract_state smashed.
edestruct balance_on_chain' as (cstate' & deploy & balance); eauto.
cbn in deploy.
rewrite deployed_state in deploy.
unfold serializeState in deploy.
rewrite deserialize_serialize in deploy.
inversion deploy. subst. clear deploy.
cbn in balance.
unfold outgoing_acts in balance.
rewrite queue in balance.
cbn in balance.
rewrite address_eq_refl in balance.
cbn in balance.
specialize account_balance_nonnegative as H.
apply H with (addr := caddr) in reach as balance_pos; clear H.
rewrite !Z.add_0_r in balance.
apply Zminus_eq in balance.

(* Finally we need to evaluate the new transfer action that finalize produced *)
evaluate_transfer; try easy.
-- lia.
-- lia.
-- admit.
-- update (env_account_balances bstate caddr = 0) in balance.
{ rewrite_environment_equiv. cbn. rewrite address_eq_refl.
clear balance_pos.
exists bstate.
split; auto.
split; try now rewrite queue0.
split; auto.
split; eauto.

End SafetyProperties.

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