An automated way of getting the sequences from tblout
nhmmer file. Under the hood, uses esl-sfetch
and iterates over the tblout
May change at any stage.
Running extract_nhmmer_tblout
Usage: extract_nhmmer_tblout [OPTIONS] --esl-sfetch <esl-sfetch> <TBL> <FASTA>
<TBL> Path to the nhmmer tblout file.
<FASTA> Path to the fasta file used for nhmmer output.
-e, --esl-sfetch <esl-sfetch>
Path to esl-sfetch. If not installed, it's part of HMMER.
-v, --e-value-threshold <e_value_threshold>
E-value threshold for hits to extract. [default: 0.00001]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
You'll need the easel
part of HMMER, and point to the executable (-v /path/to/esl-sfetch