Welcome to the official repository for the AI Club's Summer School 2024! This repository contains resources, materials, and information for all the sessions conducted during the summer school program.
The AI Club's Summer School 2024 is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its various subfields. The sessions cover fundamental concepts, practical applications, and engaging assignments to reinforce learning.
The summer school is organized into nine sessions:
- Session 1: Intro to Python and OOP
- Session 2: Data Analysis and Preprocessing
- Session 3: Regression Models
- Session 4: Classification Models
- Session 5: Decision Models and Ensemble Methods
- Session 6: Optimizers and Regularization
- Session 7: Intro to Pytorch and Deep Learning
- Session 8: Computer Vision
- Session 9: Natural Language Processing
For detailed information on the schedule and session timings, please refer to the schedule.md file.
- Slides: Intro to Python
- Video Recording: Session 1 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Video Recording: Session 2 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: Linear, Polynomial & Logistic Regression
- Video Recording: Session 3 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: KNN, SVM, Naive Bayes
- Video Recording: Session 4 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: Decision Trees, Random Forest, AdaBOOST, XGBOOST
- Video Recording: Session 5 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: Lasso, Ridge Regularization, Adam, Momentum, RMSProp
- Video Recording: Session 6 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Pytorch, Convolutional Neural Networks
- Video Recording: Session 7 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: VGG-19, ResNet
- Video Recording: Session 8 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
- Slides: Text Preprocessing, Word Embeddings(TF-IDF, Word2Vec, GloVe), RNN
- Video Recording: Session 9 Video
- Google Colab Notebooks
We welcome contributions from the community! If you have additional resources, corrections, or improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue.
For any questions or further information, please contact us at [email protected].