Analyzing top 5 categories with the largest popularity.
- Unique Categories - 16
- Reaction to Animal categories - 1897
- Month with most post - MAY
Top 5 Categories by Popularity Scores
- Animal - 74,966
- Science - 71,168
- Healthy Eating - 69,339
- Technology - 68,738
- Food - 66,676
Popularity Percentage share from top 5 categories
- Animal - 21.4%
- Science - 20.3%
- Technology - 19.6%
- Healthy Eating - 19.8%
- Food - 19.0%
ANALYSIS- Animal and Science are two most popular categories of content, indicating that the audience enjoy (Real-life) and (Scientific) content the most.
INSIGHT- Food is a common topic in top 5 categories under which “Healthy Eating” segment is ranking highest which may be an indication to the audience within the user base. Using this insight, a campaign can be organized by working with healthy eating brands to boost user engagement and audience experience.
NEXT STEP- This ad-hoc analysis is insightful, but now it’s time to take this analysis into large scale production for real-time understanding of your business. We can show you how to do this.