Captchonka is a pentesting tool to brute force captchas
Run help to see available options python captchonka -h
or python captchonka --help
You can also run it as ./captchonka
on Unix systems.
All commands should be run within a module (mod) python captchonka --mod=violet
(this will do nothing).
To see the list of available modules do python captchonka --list
Before cracking you have to train your algorithm. To do so do:
- Run
python captchonka --mod=violet --train="input/example.png"
- If process is successful then a list of characters will be saved in
- Now move manually each characted from
You can run training in verbose mode to see processed image at each step python captchonka --mod=violet --train="input/example.png" -v
Detected characters may be automatically moved into their corresponding folders. For this:
- Name your image file so that it will contain the code in square brackets:
. Square brackets can be placed anywhere in name - Run training in auto-mode
python captchonka --mod=violet --train "input/example-[GPCKC].png" -v -a
If code will be found in image name and its length will correspond to number of found characters then they will be moved into according folders.
Crack a captcha by running python captchonka --mod=violet --crack="input/example.png"
Run in verbose mode to see what happend under the hood and what are the guess probabilities python captchonka --mod=violet --crack="input/example.png" -v
You can create your own module by creating a folder in core/mods/
. This folder should have a file with the same name as folder name. In best case scenario you have to implement only cleanImage
method. It should return a black-and-white image with no noise. Use core/mods/violet/
as an example.
If overriding cleanImage
is not enough you may look also override following methods:
- get a raw PIL Image and return one without noisegetCharacters
- extract a list of PIL Images ordered by their position in original imagecheckCharacterSizes
- test if character size matches requirementsgetCodeFromString
- get code from image titlecomputeSimilarity
- compare similarity between two 2D binarry lists, return a float between 0 and 100
If you have multiple PNG files in a folder (lets say input/test/
) than you could run
for f in input/test/*.png; do echo $f; python captchonka --mod=violet --crack="$f"; done
Alternatively you test efficency by cracking a batch of images. Run python captchonka --mod=violet --batch-crack="input/test/"
If you have multiple PNG files for training and each file has its code in name than you could run
for f in input/violet/*.png; do python captchonka --mod=violet --train="$f" -a; done
Alternatively you can training a batch of images running python captchonka --mod=violet --batch-train="input/violet/" -a
- Red - error
- Green - success
- Blue - info
- Yellow - warning
- Python 2.7
- NumPy
- SciPy
- OpenCV
- Brew with Science
brew tap homebrew/science
- Python
brew install python --framework --universal
- Python pip (if it is not installed with Python)
easy_install pip
- NumPy
pip install numpy
- SciPy
brew install homebrew/python/scipy
- OpenCV
brew install opencv
- Termcolor
pip install termcolor
Based on CIntruder.
General Public License v3