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Experiment Lifecycle Manager. Developed by the University of Málaga.


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ELCM (Experiment Life-Cycle Manager)


  • Python 3.7.x (see requirements.txt for a detailed view of required packages)

Optional integrations:

5Genesis components

  • Portal Version 2.4.0 (22/12/2020) or later
  • Dispatcher Commit 2c05c28e812fb712f73b51ab78c1d190c0f50d0e (04/01/2021) or later
  • Katana Slice Manager Version 2.2.6 (14/07/2020) or later

Third party components


Installation procedure

Additional dependencies may be needed depending on your environment. For example, older Windows version may require certain Visual C++ redistributables to be installed, and the following packages are known to be required on many Ubuntu distributions: gcc python3.7 python3.7-venv python3.7-dev. Fixes for specific issues are usually easy to find on Internet.

This repository includes two sets of scripts for use on Linux (.sh) and Windows (.ps1) machines. In general, these scripts should be able to perform most of the actions required for instantiating the ELCM, however, depending on the deployment environment some actions may fail or require additional tweaking. The contents of the scripts can be used as a guide for manual installation, and a description of the actions performed by the scripts is included below for use as reference.

  1. Ensure that Python 3.7.x is installed. For environments with multiple Python versions note the correct alias.

    For example, older Ubuntu distributions refer to Python 2.x by default when invoking python, and reference Python 3.7 as python3 or python3.7. Use the --version parameter to check the version number.

  2. Clone the repository to a known folder
  3. Run <python_alias> or install.ps1 <python_alias> (depending on your OS). The script will:
  • Display the Python version in use (ensure that this is 3.7.x)
  • Create a Python virtual environment for exclusive use of the ELCM.
  • Install the required Python packages (using pip)

Most issues occur during this step, since it is highly dependent on the environment. In case of error, note the name of the package that could not be installed, the error message and your OS distribution. Performing an Internet search with this information usually yields a solution. Once solved you may re-run the script (delete the venv folder that was created by the script if necessary) until all packages are correctly installed.

  1. Run or start.ps1 (depending on your OS). This will create an empty configuration file (config.yml). If necessary, press ctrl+c (or your OS equivalent) in order to close the server.
  2. Ensure that the config.yml is available in the ELCM folder and customize its contents. Information about all the possible configuration values can be found below.

Starting the ELCM

Before using the scripts for starting a production ELCM instance consider changing the <YOUR SECRET KEY HERE> value to a random string (for more info see this answer.). This is particularly important if the ELCM port is exposed to the Internet (in this case also consider using waitress, as can be seen in the Portal scripts).

Please note that it is not recommended exposing the ELCM to the open Internet, regardless of these tips.

Once configured, the ELCM can be started by running <port_number> or start.ps1 <port_number>. If not specified, the server will listen on port 5001. In order to stop the server, press ctrl+c (or your OS equivalent) in the terminal where the server is running.


The ELCM instance can be configured by editing the config.yml file. The values that can be configured are:

  • TempFolder: Root folder where the temporal files for the Executors can be created.
  • ResultsFolder: Root folder where the files generated by each experiment execution will be saved.
  • Logging:
    • Folder: Root folder where the different log files will be saved.
    • AppLevel: Minimum log level that will be displayed in the console.
    • LogLevel: Minimum log level that will be recorded in the log files.
  • Portal:
    • Host: Location of the machine where the Portal is running (localhost by default).
    • Port: Port where the Portal is listening for connections (5000 by default).
  • Tap:
    • Enabled: Whether to use TAP or not, if set to False the settings below will be ignored
    • OpenTap: True if using OpenTap (TAP 9.0 or later), False if using TAP 8 (legacy option)
    • Exe: TAP CLI executable name
    • Folder: TAP installation folder
    • Results: TAP results folder
    • EnsureClosed: Performs an additional check on test plan completion, to ensure that all child processes are correctly closed. Defaults to True.
    • EnsureAdbClosed: Forcibly close any adb process at the end of the execution. This will close adb instances started by any other means, and may cause issues with other running experiment executions. Defaults to False, set to True only if the TAP executions hang at the end frequently due to adb not closing.

These values will be used by the Run.TapExecute task.

  • Grafana:
    • Enabled: If set to False the settings below will be ignored
    • Host: Location of the machine where the Grafana instance is running
    • Port: Port where the Grafana API is listening
    • Bearer: Grafana API key without the 'Bearer ' prefix
    • ReportGenerator: URL where the Grafana reporter instance can be reached, if any

These values will be used when creating a dashboard for the results generated by an experiment execution.

  • SliceManager:
    • Host: Location of the machine where the Katana Slice Manager is running
    • Port: Port where the Slice Manager is listening

These values will be used to communicate with the Katana Slice Manager when deploying/decommissioning slices and when using the Run.SingleSliceCreationTime and Run.SliceCreationTime tasks.

  • InfluxDb:
    • Enabled: If set to False the settings below will be ignored
    • Host: Location of the machine where the InfluxDb instance is running
    • Port: Port where InfluxDB is listening
    • User: InfluxDb instance user
    • Password: InfluxDb user password
    • Database: InfluxDb instance database

These values will be used for sending results to an InfluxDb instance, for example when running the Run.SingleSliceCreationTime, Run.SliceCreationTime or Run.CsvToInflux tasks, and for extracting the execution results on the secondary side of a distributed experiment. Additional tags will be generated by using the values in the Metadata section of the configuration.

  • Metadata:
    • HostIp: IP address of the machine where the ELCM is running
    • Facility: Facility name (or platform)

Additional ELCM instance metadata, currently used for values sent to InfluxDb

  • EastWest: Configuration for distributed experiments.
    • Enabled: Boolean value indicating if the East/West interfaces are available. Defaults to False.
    • Timeout: Timeout for any communication with the remote side of the experiment execution. Defaults to 120 seconds.
    • Remotes: Dictionary containing the connection configuration for each remote platform's ELCM, with each key containing 'Host' and 'Port' values in the same format as in the Portal or SliceManager sections. Defaults to two (invalid) example entries.

Facility Configuration (Platform registry)

The exposed capabilities and functionality of the facility are defined by a set of files distributed in 4 folders inside the root of the ELCM instance. These are:

  • TestCases: Contains information about the available test cases that can be run by the facility.
  • UEs: Contains specific actions required for using and releasing specific equipment of the facility during the execution of test cases.
  • Resources: Contains the definition of certain equipment that can only be used by one experiment at a time.
  • Scenarios: Additional configuration values that can be set during the deployment of a network slice.

TestCases and UEs

The contents of the UEs and TestCases sub-folder describe the behavior of the 5Genesis Platform when an Experiment execution request is received. These folders will be automatically generated (empty) if they do not exist. The ELCM will load the contents of every yml file contained in these folders on startup and whenever the Reload facility button on the web dashboard is pressed. The dashboard will also display a validation log (Facility log) which can be used in order to detect errors on a TestCase or UE configuration.


The files on the UEs folder describe the actions to perform when a certain UE is included in the Experiment descriptor received as part of the request (for example, initializing or configuring the UE). The Composer will add the actions defined for every UE to the Tasks list. The following is an example of a yaml file that configures an UE:

    - Order: 1
      Task: Run.Dummy
      Requirements: [UE1]
        Message: This is a dummy entity initialization
    - Order: 10
      Task: Run.Dummy
        Message: This is a dummy entity closure

The name of the UE will be extracted from the initial key on the dictionary (not the name of the file). This key contains a list of every action to perform, described by the relative Order in which to run, the Task to perform (which correspond to the different Tasks defined in the Executor.Tasks package) and Config dictionary, which is different for every task and optionally a list of Requirements. These requirements corresponds to the resources defined for the facility. (See "Facility resources" below). Additional information about the available tasks can be seen in the Available Tasks section below.

More information about the composition process can be found in section 3.2 of Deliverable D3.15, please note that this example uses the old facility.yml file, but the behavior is the same.


Similarly to the UEs, the files in the ´TestCases´ folder define the actions required in order to execute a certain test case. The following is an example TestCase file:

Slice Creation:
    - Order: 5
      Task: Run.SingleSliceCreationTime
        ExperimentId: "@{ExperimentId}"
        WaitForRunning: True
        Timeout: 60
        SliceId: "@{SliceId}"
Standard: True
Distributed: False
Dashboard: {}
Standard and Custom experiment. TestCase parameters.

In order to control how each TestCase is handled by the 5GENESIS Portal and when using the Open APIs, several keys can be added to the yaml description. These keys are:

  • Standard: Boolean. Indicates whether the TestCase is selectable from the list of Standard test cases. If not specified, this value defaults to 'False' if the Custom key is defined, 'True' otherwise.
  • Custom: List of strings. Indicates that the TestCase is a Custom test case and may accept parameters. If this value is set to an empty list ('[]') the test case is considered public and will appear on the list of Custom experiments for all users of the Portal. If the list contains one or more email addresses, the test case will be visible only to the users with matching emails.
  • Parameters: Dictionary of dictionaries, where each entry is defined as follows:
"<Parameter Name>":
   Type: "String, used to guide the user as to what is the expected format"
   Description: "String, textual description of the parameter"

Parameters can be used to customize the execution of test cases. For example, a Test Case may be implemented using a TAP test plan, that accepts an external parameter called 'Interval'. Using variable expansion the value of this external parameter can be linked with the value of an 'Interval' (or a different name) parameter contained in the experiment descriptor.

It is also possible to define default values during variable expansion, which means that a Test Case can be defined as 'Standard', where it will use the default values for all parameters, and 'Custom', where some values can be replaced by the experimenter.

For more information see the 'Variable expansion' section below.

Parameters with the equal names from different test cases are considered to be the same: They will appear only once in the Portal when the user selects multiple test cases and will have the same value at run time. For example, if two different test cases define an 'Interval' parameter and are both included in the same experiment they will share the same value.

  • If it's necessary to configure these values separately please use different names.
  • If a parameter is defined in multiple test cases with different Type or Description a warning will be displayed on the ELCM interface. The information displayed on the Portal will correspond to one (any one) of the definitions.
Test case dashboard

If a Grafana instance is available and configured, the ELCM can automatically create a Dashboard for displaying some of the most important raw results generated during an experiment execution. In order to use this functionality, the test case definition must include a collection of Grafana panel definitions. For each experiment execution, the panels defined by all of the test cases selected will be aggregated in a single dashboard. An example of dashboard definition with a single panel can be seen below.

    - Name: "Slice Deployment Time"
      Measurement: Slice_Creation_Time
      Field: Slice_Deployment_Time
      Unit: "s"
      Type: Singlestat
      Percentage: False
      Size: [8, 8]
      Position: [0, 0]
      Gauge: True
      Color: ["#299c46", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "#d44a3a"]
      Thresholds: [0, 15, 25, 30]

The following values can be set for each panel:

  • [Mandatory] Type: 'singlestat' (gauges or single value) or 'graph' (time series)
  • [Optional] Name: Panel name, '{Measurement}: {Field}' if not set
  • [Mandatory] Measurement: Measurement (table) name
  • [Mandatory] Field: Field (column) name
  • [Optional] Unit: Field unit
  • [Mandatory] Size: (As list) [, ]
  • [Mandatory] Position: (As list) [, ]
  • [Optional] Color: Graph or text color(s). For Gauges this is a list of 3 colors, otherwise a single value. Each color can be defined using these formats: "#rrggbb" or "rgba(rrr, ggg, bbb, a.aa)"
For graph:
  • [Mandatory] Lines: True to display as lines, False to display as bars
  • [Mandatory] Percentage: Whether the field is a percentage or not
  • [Optional] Interval: Time interval of the graph, default $__interval if not set
  • [Optional] Dots: Display dots along with the graph or bar
For singlestat:
  • [Mandatory] Gauge: True to display as a gauge, false to display as numeric value
  • [Optional] MaxValue: Max expected value of the gauge, 100 if not set
  • [Optional] MinValue: Min expected value of the gauge, 0 if not set
PDF Report generation

It's possible to integrate an instance of Grafana reporter in order to generate PDF reports from the Grafana dashboards of the experiments. This feature will appear as a button on the top-right of the dashboard.

For using this feature in the ELCM you only need to specify the URL where Grafana reporter is reachable. Please refer to the reporter documentation for the configuration of the reporter itself.

The following is an example of a custom template that includes the 5Genesis branding:

%use square brackets as golang text templating delimiters
\graphicspath{ {images/} }

\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{<<PATH TO 5GENESIS LOGO>>}~\\
5Genesis [[.Title]] [[if .VariableValues]] \\ \large [[.VariableValues]] [[end]] [[if .Description]]
%\small [[.Description]] [[end]]}
\date{[[.FromFormatted]] to [[.ToFormatted]]}
[[range .Panels]][[if .IsSingleStat]]\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}

Remember to specify the correct path to the 5Genesis logo

Dashboard auto-generation (Autograph)

The ELCM is able to generate additional panels if certain values appear on the names of the generated TAP results. For this feature to work an additional result listener (AutoGraph) must be enabled in TAP. This result listener does not require any configuration and, once enabled, the auto-generation of panels will work for any subsequently executed experiment.

This feature works as follows:

  • During the experiment execution within TAP, the AutoGraph result listener inspects the generated results for names that include information about panel generation.
  • At testplan end, the result listener generates a message describing the panel to generate.
  • If the test case includes a dashboard definition the ELCM will generate the panels described in it first.
  • The logs generated during the experiment execution will be parsed, looking for messages generated by the AutoGraph result listener.
  • For each message detected, a new panel will be generated after the ones described in the test case.

The expected formats on a result name are "<Result name> [[<Panel type>]]" and "<Result name> [[<Panel type>:<Unit>]]", where:

  • <Result name> is the name of the panel.
  • <Panel type> is one of [Si, Ga, Li, Ba], where:
    • Si stands for 'Single': The panel contains a single numeric value.
    • Ga stands for 'Gauge': The panel is a Gauge (min 0, max 100, green until 25, red after 75).
    • Li stands for 'Lines': The panel is a line graph.
    • Ba stands for 'Bars': The panel is a bars graph.
  • <Unit> if present, is the unit of the results. Must be recognized by Grafana, otherwise an error will be displayed in the panel.

All graphs are generated with an interval of 1 sec

Other result listeners will save the results including the panel information in the result name.

Facility resources

It is possible to define a set of available local resources. These resources can be specified as requirements for the execution of each kind of task inside a test case.

Resources are defined by including a YAML file in the Resources folder. The contents of these files are as follows:

  • Id: Resource ID. This Id must be unique to the facility and will be used to identify the resource on the test cases.
  • Name: Name of the resource (visible on the ELCM dashboard).
  • Icon: Resource icon (visible on the ELCM dashboard). Uses Font Awesome (only free icons) (Available icons), defaults to fa-cash-register.

Required resources are configured per task. When an experiment execution is received, the ELCM will generate a list of all the required resources. When an experiment starts, all these resources will be locked and the execution of other experiments with common requirements will be blocked until the running experiment finishes and their resources are released.

Scenarios and Network Slice deployment

A scenario is a collection of configuration values that are used to further customize the behavior of a deployed slice. These values are defined as YAML files contained in the Scenarios folder, where each file contains a dictionary with a single key (that defines the name of the Scenario). The value for this key is a second dictionary that contains the collection of values that are to be customized by the Scenario.

When the experiment requests the deployment of a Network Slice the ELCM will create a NEST description. The NEST created by the ELCM has 3 main parts:

  • A reference to a base slice descriptor, which must be available in the Katana Slice Manager.
  • A collection of values that are to be overridden from the base slice descriptor, taken from the selected Scenario.
  • A possibly empty list of references to Network Services that are to be included as part of the Network Slice.

A generated NEST has the following format:

  "base_slice_descriptor": {
    "base_slice_des_id": "<Base Slice Descriptor reference>"
    // Values from the selected Scenario are included here
  "service_descriptor": {
    "ns_list": [
        "nsd-id": "<Network Service ID>",
        "placement": "<Network Service Location>",
      } //, [...]

For more information about Network Slice deployment refer to the Katana Slice Manager documentation

Available Tasks:

The following is a list of the tasks that can be defined as part of a TestCase or UE list of actions, as well as their configuration values:


Executes a script or command through the command line. Configuration values:

  • Parameters: Parameters to pass to the command line (i.e. the line to write on the CLI)
  • CWD: Working directory where the command will run


Generates a Zip file that contains all the specified files. Configuration values:

  • Files: List of (single) files to add to the Zip file
  • Folders: List of folders to search files from. All the files contained within these folders and their sub-folders will be added to the Zip file
  • Output: Name of the Zip file to generate.


Uploads the contents of a CSV file to InfluxDb. The file must contain a header row that specifies the names of each column, and must contain a column that specifies the timestamp value of the row as a POSIX timestamp (seconds from the epoch as float, and UTC timezone). Configuration values:

  • ExecutionId: Id of the execution (can be dinamically expanded from @{ExecutionId})
  • CSV: Path of the CSV file to upload
  • Measurement: Measurement (table) where the results will be saved
  • Delimiter: CSV separator, defaults to ','.
  • Timestamp: Name of the column that contains the row timestamp, defaults to "Timestamp".
  • Convert: If True, try to convert the values to a suitable format (int, float, bool, str). Only 'True' and 'False' with any capitalization are converted to bool. If False, send all values as string. Defaults to True.


Adds a configurable time wait to an experiment execution. Has a single configuration value:

  • Time: Time to wait in seconds.


Dummy action, will only display the values on the Config dictionary on the log


Displays a message on the log, with the configured severity. Configuration values:

  • Severity: Severity level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
  • Message: Text of the message


Saves a value (identified with a name) for use in another task that runs later. The value can be retrieved using the @[key] or @[Publish.key] variable expansion. If the key is not defined at the time of expansion it will be replaced by the string <<UNDEFINED>> unless another default is defined using @[key:default]. In the case of this Task the Config dictionary contains the keys and values that will be published. For example, the following tasks:

- Order: 5
  Task: Run.Publish
  Config: { Publish1: "Text", Publish2: 1 }
- Order: 10
  Task: Run.Message
  Config: { Severity: INFO, Message: "1: @[Publish1]; 2: @[Publish.Publish2]; 3: @[Publish3]; 4: @[Publish.Publish4:NoProblem]" }

Will produce this message in the log:

- INFO - 1: Text; 2: 1; 3: <<UNDEFINED>>; 4: NoProblem

Run.PublishFromFile / Run.PublishFromPreviousTaskLog

Reads the contents of a file / the log of the previous task and looks for lines that match the specified regular expression pattern, publishing the groups found. Configuration values:

  • Pattern: Regular expression to try to match, following Python's syntax.
  • Keys: List of (index, key) pairs, where index refers to the regex group, and key is the identifier to use when publishing.
  • Groups are defined within regular expressions using '(' ... ')'.
  • Group 0 always refers to the complete matched line, manually specified groups start at index 1.
  • While writing the Keys in the task configuration note that YAML does not have a syntax for tuples, use lists of two elements instead.
  • Path (only for Run.PublishFromFile): Path of the file to read


Sends the Slice Creation Time reported by the Slice Manager to InfluxDb. This task will not perform any deployment by itself, and will only read the values for an slice deployed during the experiment pre-run stage. Configuration values:

  • ExecutionId: Id of the execution (can be dinamically expanded from @{ExecutionId})
  • WaitForRunning: Boolean, wait until the Slice Manager reports that the slice is running, or retrieve results immediately
  • Timeout: 'WaitForRunning' timeout in (aprox) seconds
  • SliceId: Slice ID to check (can be dinamically expanded from @{SliceId})


Repeats a cycle of slice creation and deletion for a configured number of times, obtaining the Slice Creation Time on each iteration and sending the values to the configured InfluxDb database. This task does not take into account the slices deployed during the experiment's pre-run stage (if any). This task uses a local NEST file to describe the slice to be deployed. Configuration values:

  • ExecutionId: Id of the execution (can be dinamically expanded from @{ExecutionId})
  • NEST: Absolute path of the NEST file to use
  • Iterations: Number of iterations. Defaults to 25
  • Timeout: Timeout in (aprox) seconds to wait until the slice is running or deleted before skipping the iteration. If not specified or set to None the task will continue indefinitely.
  • CSV: If set, save the generated results to a CSV file in the specified path. In case of error while sending the results to InfluxDb a CSV file will be forcibly created on "@{TempFolder}/SliceCreationTime.csv" (only if not set, otherwise the file will be created as configured).


Executes a TAP TestPlan, with the possibility of configuring external parameters. Configuration values:

  • TestPlan: Path (absolute) of the testplan file.
  • GatherResults: Indicates whether to compress the generated CSV files to a Zip file (see below)
  • External: Dictionary of external parameters
Gathering generated results

If selected, the task will attempt to retrieve all the results generated by the testplan, saving them to a Zip file that will be included along with the logs once the execution finishes. The task will look for the files in the TAP Results folder, inside a sub-folder that corresponds with the experiment's execution ID, for this reason, it is necessary to add a MultiCSV result listener to TAP that has the following (recommended) File Path configuration:


Variable expansion

It's possible to expand the value of some variables enclosed by @{ }. (Use quotes where required in order to generate valid YAML format). Available values are:

  • @{ExecutionId}: Experiment execution ID (unique identifier)
  • @{SliceId}: ID of the slice deployed by the Slice Manager during the PreRun stage
  • @{TempFolder}: Temporal folder exclusive to the current executor, it's deleted when the experiment finishes.
  • @{Application}: The Application field from the Experiment Descriptor
  • @{JSONParameters}: The Parameters dictionary from the Experiment Descriptor, in JSON format (a single line string)
  • @{ReservationTime}: The ReservationTime field of the Experiment Descriptor (minutes), or 0 if not defined
  • @{ReservationTimeSeconds}: Same as above, but converted to seconds.
  • @{TapFolder}: Folder where the (Open)TAP executable is located (as configured in config.yml)
  • @{TapResults}: Folder where the (Open)TAP results are saved (as configured in config.yml)

Separate values from the Parameters dictionary can also be expanded using the following expressions:

  • @[Params.key]: The value of key in the dictionary, or <<UNDEFINED>> if not found
  • @[Params.key:default]: The value of key in the dictionary, or default if not found

A keen reader may notice that these expressions are very similar to the ones defined for Run.Publish: They are implemented together, but use different dictionaries when looking for values. When an expression does not include a '.' the ELCM will fall back to looking at the Publish values (the default for Release A). If the collection is not 'Publish' or 'Params', the expression will be replaced by <<UNKNOWN GROUP {collection}>>

MONROE experiments:

The ELCM is able to handle the execution of experiments using a MONROE node. This functionality requires:

  • A physical or virtual MONROE node that is prepared to be controlled by the TAP agent
  • An OpenTAP instance configured with the required TAP instrument and steps for controlling the MONROE TAP agent (available as part of the 5Genesis TAP plugins), and has network connectivity with the MONROE node

This repository includes the files required for handling the execution of MONROE experiments, however, a small preparation is needed before they can be used:

  • The MONROE_Base.TapPlan file is a pre-configured TAP testplan that contains the required steps and external parameters required for controlling the MONROE TAP agent. Open this file using OpenTAP and confirm that no issues appear in the log. In particular:
    • Check that all steps where loaded successfully (should be 9 in total)
    • Check that the necessary result listeners are enabled in the Set execution metadata step
    • Check that your MONROE instrument is selected in all MONROE steps (Start/List/Stop experiment)

    Errors stating that a result listener is missing or that the testplan version is below the one in use can be ignored.

  • Save the test plan and, if necessary, move it to another location. Note the absolute path of the file.
  • Edit the TestCases/MONROE_Base.yml file. This is a special TestCase definition that is used for handling the execution of MONROE experiments and will not appear as a normal test case for experimenters. Change the <<Replace with the location of your MONROE_Base testplan.>> placeholder with the absolute path of MONROE_Base.TapPlan.

Distributed experiments:

When correctly configured, two 5Genesis platforms can perform the execution of a distributed experiment, in which both platforms execute tasks in a coordinated manner and exchange information with each other. In order to use this functionality, the following conditions must be met:

  • On each platform, a test case that defines the set of actions (including any necessary coordination) of that side exists.
  • The East/West interface of the ELCM in both sides is enabled, there is connectivity between the two instances and connection details for the remote side's ELCM are defined.
  • The remote platforms are registered in the Dispatcher of both sides (see the Dispatcher documentation).

Optionally, in order to ease the creation of a valid experiment descriptor:

  • The East/West interface of the Portal in both sides is enabled, there is connectivity between the two instances and connection details for the remote side's Portal are defined.

Defining a distributed experiment

The creation of a distributed experiment is a collaborative activity between the two platforms involved in the execution of the experiment. Each platform is responsible for the definition of their set of actions, as only they have the required knowledge on the usage of their equipment, but must agree with the other platform's administrators about any necessary coordination and information exchange that is required in order to successfully execute the test case.

The actual definition of the test case is very similar to that of a normal (non-distributed) experiment, but with the following differences:

  • The test case definition yaml must include an additional key: Distributed: True
  • A distributed experiment cannot be Custom (i.e. cannot define Parameters)
  • Additional task types are available (for coordination and information exchange)

The general workflow during a distributed experiment is as follows:

  • The Dispatcher of one of the platforms (the Main platform) receives a distributed experiment execution request, either from the Portal or through the Open APIs.
  • The Dispatcher performs the initial coordination, contacting with the ELCM of its own platform and the Dispatcher of the remote platform (the Secondary platform).
  • Once the initial coordination is completed, the ELCM on both sides communicate directly for the rest of the experiment execution.
  • Each side performs the execution of their tasks as normal, unless they reach a point where they must coordinate:
    • If one of the platforms must wait until the remote side has performed some actions:
      • The waiting platform can use the Remote.WaitForMilestone task.
      • The other platform can indicate that the actions have been performed using the Run.AddMilestone task.
    • If one of the platforms requires certain information from the remote side:
      • The querying platform can use the Remote.GetValue task.
      • The other platform can set the value requested using any of the Run.Publish, Run.PublishFromFile and Run.PublishFromPreviousTaskLog tasks.
  • Once both platforms execute all their tasks, the Main platform requests all the generated files and results to the Secondary platform, so that they are saved along with the ones generated by the Main and available to the experimenter.

Distributed-specific tasks


Halts the execution of additional tasks until the remote side specifies that a certain milestone has been reached (using the Run.AddMilestone task). Configuration values:

  • Milestone: Name of the milestone to wait for.
  • Timeout: Custom timeout for this particular request. If not specified, the value configured in the East/West section of the configuration is used.

Init, PreRun, Run, PostRun, Finished, Cancelled and Errored are valid milestone names that are automatically added (if/when reached) in all experiment executions.


Halts the execution of additional tasks until a certain value can be obtained from the remote side (using any of the Run.Publish, Run.PublishFromFile and Run.PublishFromPreviousTaskLog tasks). When received, the value will be published internally and available for variable expansion. Configuration values:

  • Value: Name of the value to request.
  • PublishName: Name to use when publishing the value. If not specified the same Value name will be used.
  • Timeout: Custom timeout for this particular request. If not specified, the value configured in the East/West section of the configuration is used.



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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Experiment Lifecycle Manager. Developed by the University of Málaga.







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