⚠️ DEPRECATED after Ethereum went POS
Prometheus exporter reporting:
- Overall Ethereum network stats (diffculty etc).
- ETH price.
- Balances of specified Ethereum addresses in ETH and USD (requires Etherscan.io API key).
- Unpaid balances on pools (Ethermine.org and 2miners.com) in ETH and USD.
docker run -d --restart always -p 8577:8577 500farm/ethereum-exporter ARGS...
To test, open http://localhost:8577. If does not work, check container output with docker logs
Address to listen on (default
How often to query third-party APIs for updates (default 1m).
Addresses to watch on Ethereum network and pools. Separate multiple addresses with comma.
Ethermine.org and 2miners.com pools are supported.
Use with --etherscan-key, --ethermine-org or --2miners-com.
Query balances for monitored addresses from Etherscan API. Specify the API key.
Query unpaid balances for monitored addresses from Ethermine.org pool. No key required.
Query unpaid balances for monitored addresses from 2miners.com pool. No key required.
To get your Etherscan API key, register on https://etherscan.io/login, then go to API KEYS section of your account.
# HELP ethereum_address_balance Balance on Ethereum address and unpaid on Ethermine.org pool
# TYPE ethereum_address_balance gauge
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="ETH",location="ethermine-org"} 0.09006578087788984
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="ETH",location="2miners.com"} 0
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="ETH",location="wallet"} 0.4816605943888761
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="USD",location="ethermine-org"} 306.98921412228754
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="USD",location="2miners-com"} 0
ethereum_address_balance{address="0xccB6CBEafc3b937db1Bbc837E7992a9dE9D34Aa4",currency="USD",location="wallet"} 1641.740135974484
# HELP ethereum_block_reward_eth Reward for the last found block, in ETH
# TYPE ethereum_block_reward_eth gauge
ethereum_block_reward_eth 3.09754357871771
# HELP ethereum_block_time_seconds Time it took to find the last block, in seconds
# TYPE ethereum_block_time_seconds gauge
ethereum_block_time_seconds 13.526
# HELP ethereum_difficulty_hashes Last block difficulty in hashes
# TYPE ethereum_difficulty_hashes gauge
ethereum_difficulty_hashes 9.522379862834492e+15
# HELP ethereum_earnings_per_gh_per_hour_dollars Mining earnings, dollars per GH/s per hour
# TYPE ethereum_earnings_per_gh_per_hour_dollars gauge
ethereum_earnings_per_gh_per_hour_dollars 3.9915145987149914
# HELP ethereum_eth_price_dollars Current ETH price, in USD
# TYPE ethereum_eth_price_dollars gauge
ethereum_eth_price_dollars 3408.5
# HELP ethereum_last_block_number Number of the last found block
# TYPE ethereum_last_block_number gauge
ethereum_last_block_number 1.3342989e+07
# HELP ethereum_network_hashrate_hashes_per_sec Current network hasrate, in H/s
# TYPE ethereum_network_hashrate_hashes_per_sec gauge
ethereum_network_hashrate_hashes_per_sec 7.04005608667343e+14