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ftw.solr integrates the Solr search engine with Plone.


Since version 2.0 ftw.solr no longer depends on collective.solr. Instead it provides it's own Solr integration using Solr's REST API. Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite and is not compatible with ftw.solr 1.x.

ftw.solr does not try to replace the portal catalog of Plone and does not hook into the catalog's search function. Instead it provides a search utiltity that must be used explicitly. It's meant to be used in search forms for fulltext searches while the portal catalog is still in use for things like navigation or folder contents. The goal is to get rid off all fulltext indexes (e.g. ZCTextIndex) in the portal catalog.

ftw.solr requires Apache Solr 7.0 or higher.


Add as dependency

Install ftw.solr by adding it to the list of eggs in your buildout or by adding it as a dependency of your policy package.

eggs +=

Solr installation

To install a Solr server with buildout you can use the ftw.recipe.solr recipe.

recipe = ftw.recipe.solr
cores = mycore

Configure the Solr connection

The connections settings for Solr can be configured in ZCML and thus in buildout. Example:

zcml-additional =
    <configure xmlns:solr="">
        <solr:connection host="localhost" port="8983" base="/solr/mycore"/>

By default, ftw.solr will do full text extraction by passing the blob's filesystem path to the Solr Cell extract handler, assuming that Solr runs on the same machine and has access to the blob storage.

For setups where this isn't desired, the connection option upload_blobs can be set to true in order to make ftw.solr upload the blobs directly to the extract handler via HTTP POST:

zcml-additional =
    <configure xmlns:solr="">
        <solr:connection host="localhost" port="8983" base="/solr/mycore" upload_blobs="true"/>

Run buildout

After running buildout and restarting your instance you can install the ftw.solr addon in Plone.

Python 3.8 - Plone 5.2

Install and run tests locally:

python3 -m venv .
./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./bin/buildout -c test-plone-5.2.x-py38.cfg


Get the ISolrSearch utility and call the search method to get search results from Solr.

from ftw.solr.interfaces import ISolrSearch
from zope.component import getUtility

solr = getUtility(ISolrSearch)
resp ='SearchableText:foo')

You can get a style result by adapting IContentListing:

from import IContentListing
listing = IContentListing(resp)

Solr Index Maintenance

For indexing Plone content and other maintenance work you can use the solr Zope command. Run bin/instance solr -h for available options.

Clear the Solr index:

bin/instance solr clear

Rebuild the complete Solr index:

bin/instance solr reindex

Reindex specific indexes:

bin/instance solr reindex -i modified created

Synchronize the Solr index with the portal catalog:

bin/instance solr sync



This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.solr is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.


Solr integration for Plone






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