simple flex project without easyadminBundle
Small project with a single entity Contact and without easyadminBundle
*/ First stage clone project do an composer update. and run make serve
*/ to install a new project:
Composer create-project symfony/skeleton projectName
*/ move on the project and type make serve
*/ the project starts on localhost:8000
*/ bundles instalattion "no need to add the configuration to the bundle installation"
- composer req webserver "this will install a web server and especially bin / console to use the symfony commands"
- composer req twig "for use of twig, this will install the templates folder"
- composer req doctrine "for use of doctrine and a database
this will install the entity and repository folder in /src"
- composer req symfony/form "for use of symfony forms it may be that the instalation fails in this case
it is necessary to install `validator` with the same procedure composer req "
*/ for the creation of the database it is necessary to add url mysql in the .env in the part doctrine bundle
- DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:[email protected]:3306/DatabaseName?charset=utf8mb4&serverVersion=5.7"
- type `bin/console doctrine:database:create`
*/ for entities they must be created manually in the entities folder and type :
- bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
*/ the configuration of each bundle is separated in this flex version and is located in /config/packages
*/ appkernel is replaced by /config/bundles.php "the list of bundles"