BrowserJS is a CommonJS package that emulates portions of the browser JavaScript APIs.
- XMLHttpRequest
- setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval
- console.log, error, warn, debug
- DOMParser and basic DOM operations (Rhino only)
To get access to individual APIs, require the corresponding module. For example, if you just w
var XMLHttpRequest = require("browser/xhr").XMLHttpRequest;
To get the "window" object, which contains all the APIs, require the "browser/window" module:
var window = require("browser/window");
Use the properties of the window object directly:
var request = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
Or you can bring all the properties of the "window" object into scope temporarily (without modifying the global scope) by using a with statement:
with (window) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
If you want to permanently modify the global scope to include all the properties of "window" in the global scope, simply require the "browser" module: