- Travel planner
- Suggested point of interest to visit at specified location
- Seamless integration with Apple Maps for navigation
- Store user documents in app
- Save suggested locations
- Adding more travel data
- Integration with iCloud
- Model-View-Presenter (MVP) design patterns
- UIKit - to develop app user interface with XIB's and Storyboards
- Foundation - to create helpers function and generic decoder for networking
- Core Data - to persist data of created planner and activities on user local devices
- MapKit - to display maps in app and open the Apple maps to get directions for specific location
- Swift Package Manager(SPM) & Cocoapods - to integrate and manage third party library
- TestFlight - to distribute the app to beta testers
- MacOS Catalina or later
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5.0+
- Open terminal, navigate to project folder
- Enter pod install (make sure cocoapods already been installed in your mac)
- Quit terminal, open project folder
- Open .xcworkspace file
- Build the project and run
- Ikmal Azman - iOS development
- Ainin Sofiya - API development
- Wan Hani - QA & Software tester
- Mr. Hazmin - Project supervisor