The service has ended.
폰트가 제대로 생성이 안된 경우는 서버의 메모리 부족이나 템플릿 입력 오류 때문입니다.
템플릿을 제대로 작성하였는지, png확장자로 업로드하였는지 확인하십시오.
아마존 비용 과다 문제로 위의 주소에서 코드를 돌리면 메모리가 부족해서 폰트 생성이 안될 수 있으나
위의 코드를 다운받아서 유료 서버에서 실행시키면 원활히 작동되는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.
To simplify the whole font generating process and to reduce the total time to make a font,
we develop this handwrite font generator
so that user can easily access this web service and use freely.
This is the main page.
First, download the template by clicking the "download template" button on the main homepage.
Write down all the korean alphabet in the template and save it as png image file.
Then, upload the written template image on the webpage by clicking "select file" button.
You can see the uploaded image by clicking the upload button.
If you click the "make font" button, it will change to download.html page.
By using code, the korean alphabet images are generated by detecting rectangle.
By using, the margin of the cropped images are trimmed.
Combine korean letters by using ~
The image below shows the type of Korean letter combinations. This is how we make letters using jamo.
And, this image below is the one that shows the result of created letter.
In the download.html page, you can download the generated ttf file.
It will take approx. 3 minutes to generate font file.
After 3 minutes, you can see "download" button showing up, and click the button to get the ttf file.
You can use it in the notepad in Windows:heavy_exclamation_mark::heavy_exclamation_mark::heavy_exclamation_mark:
python ./font/font_name.ttf fontsize
Download src folder and web folder In the terminal, run
node app.js
If CSS does not applied to your webpage,
change html <link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/style.css">
to html <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
in index.html
python --test_folder="./test_folder/"
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