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Party's Main Stats

1234567890num edited this page Dec 16, 2022 · 32 revisions

Current Stats

Offset Type Content
0 Short Equipped Weapon
2 Short 2nd Weapon
4 Byte Current HP
5 Byte Max HP
6 Byte Current MP
7 Byte Max MP
8 Byte AP Boosts
9 Byte Power Boosts
A Byte Magic Boosts
B Byte Defense Boosts
C Byte ???
D Byte ???
E Byte Dream Weapon
F Byte Level
10 Byte Armor Slots
11 Byte Accessory Slots
12 Byte Item Slots
13 Byte ???
14 Short[8] Armors
24 Short[8] Accessories
34 Short[8] Items
44 Short[8] Items Auto Reload
54 Short[80] Abilities
F4 Byte AI Battle Style
F5 Byte AI Potion
F6 Byte AI Hi-Potion
F7 Byte AI Ether
F8 Byte AI Elixir
F9 Byte AI Mega-Potion
FA Byte AI Mega-Ether
FB Byte AI Megalixir
FC Byte[4] AI Abilities
PS2 Address PC Address Anchor Character
032E020 09A9560 Save+24F0 Sora
032E134 09A9674 Save+2604 Donald
032E248 09A9788 Save+2718 Goofy
032E35C 09A989C Save+282C Mickey
032E470 09A99B0 Save+2940 Auron
032E584 09A9AC4 Save+2A54 Mulan
032E698 09A9BD8 Save+2B68 Aladdin
032E7AC 09A9CEC Save+2C7C Jack Sparrow
032E8C0 09A9E00 Save+2D90 Beast
032E9D4 09A9F14 Save+2EA4 Jack Skellington
032EAE8 09AA028 Save+2FB8 Simba
032EBFC 09AA13C Save+30CC Tron
032ED10 09AA250 Save+31E0 Riku


  • Ability slots 70-74 are used by GoA for growth abilities and slot 75 for Trinity Limit
  • Sora has a default AP Boost of 50 at Critical and 2 at other difficulties. The rest all are 0 by default.
  • In normal play you can apply a max of 100 boosts of each stat to each character.
  • The game won't level you down even if you don't have the required EXP.
  • An equipped ability has a value of 0x8000 added to the ID (ex: Guard's value is 0x0052 while unequipped and 0x8052 while equipped).
  • Make sure to have a maximum of 80 VISIBLE abilities per person (which includes abilities from weapons but not armors or accessories).
  • There might be more slots for AI Abilities, but 4 are the most one can have normally (that character being Donald).

AI Values

Value AI Battle Style
00 Technic Attack
01 Target Attack
02 Huddle Attack
03 Party Attack
04 Sora Attack
05 Relentless Attack
Value AI Abilities
00 Free
01 Well-Balanced
02 Rare

Note: Sora and Mickey's AI shouldn't affect anything. Ally Mickey's AI should be completely separate Playable Mickey's.

Starting Stats (PLRP)

Offset Type Content
0 Short Enable Flag
2 Byte Character ID
3 Byte HP
4 Byte MP
5 Byte AP Boosts
6 Byte Power Boosts
7 Byte Magic Boosts
8 Byte Defense Boosts
9 Byte Armor Slots
A Byte Accessory Slots
B Byte Item Slots
C Short[32] Starting Items & Abilities
PS2 Address PC Address Anchor Character
1D16E50 2AA5910 Btl0+310D0 Sora (Non-Critical)
1D16ED0 2AA5990 Btl0+31150 Donald
1D16F50 2AA5A10 Btl0+311D0 Goofy
1D16FD0 2AA5A90 Btl0+31250 Mickey
1D17050 2AA5B10 Btl0+312D0 Auron
1D170D0 2AA5B90 Btl0+31350 Mulan
1D17150 2AA5C10 Btl0+313D0 Aladdin
1D171D0 2AA5C90 Btl0+31450 Jack Sparrow
1D17250 2AA5D10 Btl0+314D0 Beast
1D172D0 2AA5D90 Btl0+31550 Jack Skellington
1D17350 2AA5E10 Btl0+315D0 Simba
1D173D0 2AA5E90 Btl0+31650 Tron
1D17450 2AA5F10 Btl0+316D0 Riku
1D174D0 2AA5F90 Btl0+31750 Valor Form
1D17550 2AA6010 Btl0+317D0 Wisdom Form
1D175D0 2AA6090 Btl0+31850 Limit Form
1D17650 2AA6110 Btl0+318D0 Master Form
1D176D0 2AA6190 Btl0+31950 Final Form
1D17750 2AA6210 Btl0+319D0 Anti Form
1D177D0 2AA6290 Btl0+31A50 Lion Sora
1D17850 2AA6310 Btl0+31AD0 Dual-Wield Roxas
1D18DD0 2AA7890 Btl0+33050 Sora (Critical)


  • Enable Flag = 0 if enabled, 1 if disabled, 7 if Critical only.
  • Party's starting stuff will be equipped if it's a battle consumable and put into inventory otherwise. However, form's starting stuff will all be treated as abilities.
  • Abilities will be equipped if the value 0x8000 is added (see above note).