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WP Scrubber ‐ Testing Instructions

Ankit K Gupta edited this page May 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Please follow the below instructions to execute/run cases mentioned in the critical flow.

Verify plugin Activation Without Errors

To verify that the plugin can be installed and activated without encountering any errors or issues.

Test Steps:

  1. Navigate to the GitHub and download the plugin zip file.
  2. Log in to the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  3. Install the plugin.
  4. After successful installation, click the "Activate" button to activate the plugin.
  5. Observe the activation process for any error messages or issues.
  6. Check the "Plugins" page to ensure that the newly installed plugin appears in the list of active plugins.

Expected Result:

The plugin should be installed and activated without any errors or difficulties. There should be no error messages displayed during installation or activation. The plugin should appear in the list of active plugins.

Verify that the plugin is installed and functional by using the 'wp help scrub' command after activation in the previous step.

To verify that the plugin is installed and ready to use.

Test Steps:

  1. Activate the plugin.
  2. Navigate to wp-cli and execute the command 'wp help scrub'.
  3. Ensure that an error message such as "Error: 'scrub' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands." does not appear.

Expected Result:

Detailed information such as the name, description, etc., should appear on the screen.

Verify that the 'wp scrub users' command only scrubs user data.

Test Steps:

  1. Open the Users list in the WordPress dashboard and observe the details about the users, such as usernames, names, and emails.
  2. Open the terminal.
  3. Execute the command 'wp scrub users'.
  4. Wait for the command to complete.

Expected Result:

  1. Verify that all user details are changed to random data.
  2. Ensure that the counts of WordPress user roles remain unchanged like if site has 20 editors and 50 subscribers then it should be unchanged.

Verify that the 'wp scrub comments' command only scrubs comment data.

Test Steps:

  1. Open the comments section in the WordPress dashboard and observe the details about the comments, such as content, author, and date.
  2. Open the terminal.
  3. Execute the command 'wp scrub comments'.
  4. Wait for the command to complete.

Expected Result:

Verify that all comment data is removed from the site comment section.

Verify that the 'wp scrub all' command scrubs both comment and user data.

Test Steps:

  1. Open the Users list in the WordPress dashboard and note the details about the users, such as usernames, names, and emails.
  2. Open the Comments section in the WordPress dashboard and observe the details about the comments, such as content, author, and date.
  3. Open the terminal.
  4. Execute the command 'wp scrub all'.
  5. Wait for the command to complete.

Expected Result:

  • Verify that all user details are changed to random values.
  • Ensure that all comment details have been removed from site.

Verify that the site does not display any fatal errors after executing any 'wp scrub' command.

Test Steps:

  1. Execute the desired 'wp scrub' command in the terminal.
  2. Navigate to the site's debug log
  3. Verify that no fatal errors are displayed on the site.

Expected Result:

The site functions smoothly without displaying any fatal errors after executing the 'wp scrub' command.