npm install
npm run server:dev
npm run client:dev
npm run start:dev
npm run start:prod
cd <app_dir>
docker build . -t <image_name>
docker run -p<server_port>:<out_server_port> -p<out_client_port>:<port> -d <image_name>:latest
./ build
git clone
cd winder/server
npm install
npm run devStart
- Join the socket like so
const {io} = require("")
const socket = io("http://localhost:4000", {withCredentials: true})
- Handle 2 socket events:
socket.on('chat', (payload)=>{
// append the message details to the chat box
's payload will be{msgId, relId, content, createdAt}
's payload will be{_id, title, type}
Description: Create a new user and loads the client cookies with accessToken and refreshToken
Method: Post
Authentication: not required
Field | Description |
email address of the user | |
password | password of the user |
dob | date of birth in js date format |
gender | either 'male', 'female' or 'other' |
firstName | first name of the user |
lastName | last name of the user |
Field | Description |
success | True if the registration was success, false otherwise |
error | error message description if the task wasn't completed |
Description: Login with an email and password and loads the client cookies with accessToken and refreshToken
Method: Post
Authentication: Not Required
Field | Description |
email address of the user | |
password | password of the user |
Field | Description |
success | True if the registration was success, False otherwise |
error | error message description if the task wasn't completed |
Description: Logs out. Clears all the tokens of the user.
Method: Delete
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
Description: Get a list of user recommendations
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
userList | An array of users: [{name, university, program, batch, bio, passion, _id}] |
Description: Like the user and send request
Method: POST
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
whom | user_id of the accepted user |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
matched | True if the user has been matched, False otherwise |
Description: Get the conversation list of the user
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
data | {relId:{userId, userDp, userName, unreadCount}} |
error | Error message if success is False |
Data Field | Description |
relId | Relation id |
userId | User id of the other user |
userDp | Image id of the other user, <img src='http://localhost:4000/image/:userDp> |
userName | Name of the other user |
unreadCount | No of unread messages. If negative the other user hasn't read last n messages |
Description: Get the message list in batch with user id
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Query | Description |
cursor | Either empty or a data string |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
nextCursor | Either undefined or date string, this is to be stored and sent from the frontend for next batch of messages |
data | Array of messages: [content, sender: Boolean, createdAt] |
error | Error message if success is False |
Description: Send message to the user id
, this stores the message in the database and send msg to the receiver through websocket as well
Method: POST
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
content | Actual message content |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
id | unique identifier of the created message id, can be used as key in frontend |
status | 'delivered' if the receiver got the message in real time, 'sent' otherwise |
error | Error message if success is False |
Description: Get a list of notifications of the user
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
data | Array of notifications: [_id, title, type: 0 if Liked, 1 if Matched, 2 if Poromotions] |
error | Error message if success if False |
Description: Content of the notification with id: id
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True of False |
notification | Full notification detail: {_id, type, title, content} |
Method: POST
Description: Send email with reset link if that email exists. Response is static no matter the result
Method: POST
Authentication: Not Required
Field | Description |
email associated with the user's account |
Field | Description |
message | "done" |
Description: Changes password if the token is not expired
Method: POST
Authentication: Not Required
Field | Description |
password | new password to be set |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
error | Error message if success if False |
Description: Fetch currently logged in user data
Method: GET
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
user | userdata if fetched successfully |
error | error message |
Description: Verifies email of user in <token>
Method: PATCH
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
genderPreference | New preferred gender form options |
programPreference | New preferred program from options |
universityPreference | New preferred university from options |
agePreference | New preferred age from options |
gender | New gender from options |
bio | New preferred bio |
passion | New passions from options |
university | New university from options |
program | New program from options |
batch | New batch |
New preferred email (Currently Not supported) |
Field | Description |
genderPreference | true if updated else false |
programPreference | true if updated else false |
universityPreference | true if updated else false |
agePreference | true if updated else false |
gender | true if updated else false |
bio | true if updated else false |
passion | true if updated else false |
university | true if updated else false |
program | true if updated else false |
batch | true if updated else false |
true if updated else false |
any invalid property | Invalid property. FBI open up. |
success | true if successfully saved else false |
Description: Fetch available options
Method: GET
Authentication: Not Required
Field | Description |
gender | [-1, 0, 1] |
programs | ["BArch", "BCE", "BCT", "BEL", "BEX", "BME", "BAM", "BGE"] |
universities | ["TU","PU","PoU","KU","NSU","MWU","FWU","LBU","AFU","BPKHS","GU"] |
age | [18, 50] |
passions | ["Photography", "Reading", "Sports", "Anime", "Manga", "Coding", "Gym", "Walking", "Traveling", "Hiking", "Cricket", "Football", "Movies", "Netflix", "Skateboarding", "Singing", "Coffee", "Electronic Music", "Vlogging", "Fishing", "Camping", "Picnicking", "Yoga"] |
Description: Sends a verification email
Method: POST
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
Description: Verifies email of user in <token>
Method: POST
Authentication: Not Required
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
message | Token Expired alert if stale token |
Description: Verifies email of user in <token>
Method: PATCH
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
oldPassword | Current password |
newPassword | New password to replace old one |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
message | Unauthorized if old password is wrong |
Description: Upload user's image if there is vacant space.
Method: POST
Authentication: Required
Field | Description |
file | Image file to be uploaded; must be less than 3MB; accepted fileType: 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'; accepted mimeType: 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png' |
Field | Description |
success | True or False |
id | id of the image, is used to fetch the image |
error | error message if something went wrong |
Description: Get the image identified by id
Method: GET
Authentication: Not Required
param | description |
id | id of the image, provided in userDetails |
Description: Delete the image identified by id
only if it belongs to the logged in user.
Method: DELETE
Authentication: Required
param | description |
id | id of the image, provided in userDetails |