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Synthetix v3


Package Coverage
@synthetixio/core-utils codecov
@synthetixio/core-contracts codecov
@synthetixio/core-modules codecov
@synthetixio/main codecov


Please refer to the Official Documentation for high level concepts of the Synthetix v3 protocol, as well as auto generated docs from natspec.

Package structure

This is a monorepo with the following folder structure and packages:

├── markets                      // Standalone projects that extend the core Synthetix protocol with markets.
│   ├── legacy-market            // Market that connects Synthetix's v2 and v3 versions.
│   └── perps-market             // Market extension for perps.
│   └── spot-market              // Market extension for spot synths.
│   └── bfp-market               // Market extension for eth l1 perp.
├── protocol                     // Core Synthetix protocol projects.
│   ├── governance               // Governance contracts for on chain voting.
│   ├── oracle-manager           // Composable oracle and price provider for the core protocol.
│   └── synthetix                // Core protocol (to be extended by markets).
└── utils                        // Utilities, plugins, tooling.
    ├── common-config            // Common npm and hardhat configuration for multiple packages in the monorepo.
    ├── core-contracts           // Standard contract implementations like ERC20, adapted for custom router storage.
    ├── core-modules             // Modules intended to be reused between multiple router based projects.
    ├── core-utils               // Simple Javascript/Typescript utilities that are used in other packages (e.g. test utils, etc).
    ├── deps                     // Dependency handling (e.g. mismatched, circular etc.)
    ├── docgen                   // Auto-generate docs from natspec etc.
    ├── hardhat-storage          // Hardhat plugin used to detect storage collisions between proxy implementations.
    └── sample-project           // Sample project based on router proxy and cannon.

Router Proxy

All projects in this monorepo that involve contracts use a proxy architecture developed by Synthetix referred to as the "Router Proxy". It is basically a way to merge several contracts, which we call "modules", into a single implementation contract which is the router itself. This router is used as the implementation of the main proxy of the system.

See the Router README for more details.

⚠️ When using the Router as an implementation of a UUPS Universal Upgradeable Proxy Standard be aware that any of the public functions defined in the Proxy could clash and override any of the Router modules functions. A malicious proxy owner could use this type of obfuscation to have users run code which they do not want to run. You can imagine scenarios where the function names do not look similar but share a function selector. ⚠️

Information for Developers

If you intend to develop in this repository, please read the following items.

Installation Requirements

  • Foundry
  • NPM version 8
  • Node version 16

Console logs in contracts

In the contracts, use import "hardhat/console.sol";, then run DEBUG=cannon:cli:rpc yarn test.

Deployment Guide

Deployment of the protocol is managed in the synthetix-deployments repository.

To prepare for system upgrades, this repository is used to release new versions of the protocol and markets.

Releasing requirements

Important to not use global cannon installation and rely on cannon cli from the repo by running it with yarn cannon command. Sometimes newer or older versions of cannon may produce incompatible state and as a result deployment state will be borked. Using exactly same cannon version as all the repo maintainers use is a requirement and not an recommendation.

Run yarn upgrade-interactive and make sure that @usecannon/cli and hardhat-cannon are updated to the latest versions. If not, make a separate PR with cannon update (even though cannon updates are automated, there is a delay up to a day for that to happen)

After installing for the first time, run yarn cannon setup to configure a reliable IPFS URL for publishing packages and any other preferred settings, Cannon keeps its settings in file ~/.local/share/cannon/settings.json and it might be more convenient to update it instead of using setup wizard.

Required options to set:

  • ipfsUrl:
  • writeIpfsUrl: https://<USER>:<PASS>
  • publishIpfsUrl: https://<USER>:<PASS>
  • registries: list of per-chain registries with infura RPCs

Here is how your settings.json should look like (with sensitive fields stripped)

  "ipfsUrl": "",
  "writeIpfsUrl": "https://<USER>:<PASS>",
  "publishIpfsUrl": "https://<USER>:<PASS>",
  "registries": [
      "name": "OP Mainnet",
      "chainId": 10,
      "rpcUrl": ["<INFURA_KEY>"],
      "address": "0x8E5C7EFC9636A6A0408A46BB7F617094B81e5dba"
      "name": "Ethereum Mainnet",
      "chainId": 1,
      "rpcUrl": ["<INFURA_KEY>"],
      "address": "0x8E5C7EFC9636A6A0408A46BB7F617094B81e5dba"

You need to have publish access to the @synthetixio NPM org. Check your currently logged in npm user with

npm whoami

Open, login with your account and verify your name is present in the list of members on page

If needed you can login and logout with npm cli

npm login
npm logout

Publish Dev Release

Each step is necessary, do not skip any steps.

Dev releases are expected to be done from ANY branch without restrictions at any moment of code readiness.

Do NOT manually update package.json of any package.

  1. Confirm there are no git changes

    git diff --exit-code

    This step is important as dev release will create changes in the process which must NOT be committed and after successful release all changes should be fully reset.

  2. Bump all the package versions to a dev variant that will be in a format of 0.0.0-dev.$GIT_SHA_SHORT

    # make sure to run it in the repo ROOT
    yarn version:dev

    This will execute lerna command to bump all packages (without doing any commits). Underlying command can always be checked in package.json scripts. Full version is:

    yarn lerna version 0.0.0-dev.$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) --no-changelog --no-push --no-git-tag-version --force-publish --allow-branch $(git branch --show-current)
  3. Run publish of all packages to NPM registry under dev tag This will execute lerna command to publish all packages (still, without doing any commits). This step will update lock file as well as all the internal workspace references.

    yarn publish:dev

    Underlying command can always be checked in package.json scripts. Full version is:

    yarn lerna publish from-package --force-publish --dist-tag dev --no-git-reset

    If there is no intention to publish to NPM or cannon registry at all for testing locally only, you can do a dry-run instead It will not run npm publish but still will do all the necessary updates to local package.json files.

    yarn publish:dev --dry-run
  4. Deploy each individual package to cannon, make sure you still have all the results of steps 2 and 3 in working tree. For each package you'd like to publish to cannon, call package script deploy Note that each publish comes at a mainnet fee cost of 0.0025 ETH, so it is wide not to publish more than required

    yarn workspace @synthetixio/perps-market deploy
    yarn workspace @synthetixio/main deploy
    # and so on

    Same can be achieved by executing yarn deploy inside each package folder

    pushd .
    cd markets/perps-market
    yarn deploy
    pushd .
    cd protocol/synthetix
    yarn deploy
    # and so on

    Each package may define its own way to deploy with cannon, please refer to package.json scripts section. The most common list of operation deploy shortcut will execute (example from protocol/synthetix):

    # This is only an example to illustrate what deploy shortcut is doing under the hood
    # 1. Compile the contracts and all the support files
    yarn hardhat compile --force
    # 2. Dump the contract storage
    yarn hardhat storage:dump --output
    # 3. Deploy on chain (cannon's chain only 13370) and generate all the IPFS artifacts in cannon local folder
    #    CANNON_REGISTRY_PRIORITY=local ensures that cannon uses local cache first and not pulling packages from outside
    #    This is needed when there is a dependency between packages and we publishing a chain of packages one by one
    CANNON_REGISTRY_PRIORITY=local yarn hardhat cannon:build
    # 4. Publish given package to the cannon registry
    yarn cannon publish synthetix:$(node -p 'require(`./package.json`).version') --chain-id 13370 --quiet --tags $(node -p '/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(require(`./package.json`).version) ? `latest` : `dev`')
  5. After successful publishing of all needed packages, reset your git working tree to avoid accidentally committing dev version changes and dependency references upstream.

    git reset --hard

    And ensure workign tree is clean again

    git diff --exit-code

Publish Official Release

Each step is necessary, do not skip any steps.

  • Verify what has changed since the last release

    yarn changed
  • Confirm you are on the main branch and that there are no git changes git diff --exit-code . and you have write access to main branch

    git fetch --all
    git checkout main
    git pull
    git diff --exit-code .
  • Publish the release with yarn publish:release. (After successful publish, there should be no diff in git.)

  • If you aren't using an EIP-1193 compatible wallet, prepend CANNON_PRIVATE_KEY=<PRIVATE_KEY> to the following command.

  • In the directory for each package you’d like to publish to cannon, run yarn deploy


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 75.3%
  • Solidity 24.3%
  • Other 0.4%