A Javascript client for Infinite Flight simulator API
Infinite Flight Connect is an built-in API that allows you to send command to Infinite Flight. You must enable it in Infinite Flight Settings > General > "Enable Infinite Flight Connect".
init(successCallback, errorCallback)
is the function to be executed after the connection has been established with Infinite FlighterrorCallback
is the function to be executed in case of Error
Example :
function() {
console.log("IFC connected");
IFC.sendCommand({ "Command": "Commands.FlapsDown", "Parameters": []});
function() {
IFC.log("IFC connection error");
To send a command to Infinite Flight, you may use the shortcut function IFC.cmd()
or the full function for complex commands. You'll find a full list of commands on the API Docs repo
Examples :
- Flaps Down :
will lower the flaps down. (Full Command equivalent is:IFC.sendCommand({ "Command": "Commands.FlapsDown", "Parameters": []});
- Camera Move : this one require params, so let's call the full command call :
"Command": "NetworkJoystick.SetPOVState", "Parameters": [ { "Name": "X", "Value": 0 }, { "Name": "Y", "Value": 0 } ] }
Fore Flight Link broadcasts various data about the player's plane and traffic planes around him. ForeFlight Link must be enabled from Infinite Flight Settings > General > Enable ForeFlight Link
You can use IFC to listen to ForeFlight Link messages :
(TODO: example to come ...)
Received Data is formatted according to the official documentation : https://www.foreflight.com/support/network-gps/