Plugins for SpaceFM to add TMSU support
tmsu4spacefm collects various plugins that make it easier to use TMSU with SpaceFM.
The most important one is Paste. This is an action that you can replace SpaceFM's default 'Paste' action with. Installing this plugin makes Cut/Copy/Paste TMSU-aware : when files are transferred, so are their tags.
There is no need to replace Copy or Cut actions; the default Copy and Cut actions just set variables that are later read by Paste.
Note that while Paste for TMSU is derived from IG's Paste Into plugin, the 'paste into' functionality was removed, so pasted files always go into the current directory, just like vanilla Paste. If you want this functionality, it is fairly simple to add it back in -- see the link to Paste Into below.
Plugins are provided in both packed (pkg/) and unpacked (src/) form.
Typically, you will install a plugin using the Plugins->Import->File
action in SpaceFM's main menu bar.
- Paste Tags
See below for details of plugins.
Add and/or remove tags. Works on the currently selected files and directories. Requires [lhtag](
Re-apply the last tagset applied using Tag. Note that last-tagset is stored per TMSU database, not globally.
Suggested location: Top level of context menu, replacing standard 'Paste' item.
TMSU-aware Paste action, suitable for replacing the built-in Paste. If you opt to replace the built-in Paste, remember to hide the built-in Paste from the menus (via a context rule that is never true, such as 'show if directory == ""')
Suggested location: Actions/, under other 'Paste ' actions
Applies either:
- the tags of the cut/copied files, if there are any, or
- any pre-defined tags present in the clipboard text
- for example, if your tmsu database already includes tags 'foo bar', but not 'baz', applying 'Paste Tags' with 'foo baz bar' on the clipboard will only apply the tags 'foo bar'.
TMSU-aware Rename function. I found this a suitable replacement for the built-in Rename, but be aware that the built-in Rename has a lot of extra functionality.
Wrapper for thunar -B
(batch renamer) that autodetects what renames were done, and updates the TMSU database accordingly.
TMSU-aware Delete function
All plugins except Paste and Paste Tags are licensed under MIT License. Paste and Paste Tags are licensed as GPLv2, as they are derived from IgnorantGuru's "Paste Into" plugin.