Log of changes since the 1.1.0 version
- Make app configurable through OSMCha
- Refator lib/featureDiff (#245)
- Improve responsiveness (#245)
- Update node version and documentation (#244)
- Add the possibility to flag a feature to OSMCha (#236)
- Replace moment by date-fns (#238)
- Update Mapbox-GL and Turf (#238)
- Update y18n (#231)
- Remove unneeded sax and xhr dependencies
- Fetch OSM api with include_discussion=true and pass data to render function (#229)
- Fallback to overpass if the elements field of real-changesets is empty (#228)
- Fetch OSM API with json format (#226)
- Update @turfjs libs (#227)
- Add option to load selected feature on OSM website (#224)
- Fix problems on plugin build system (#225)
- Add createBbox function to the named exports
- Update real-changesets-parser to 1.3.0
- Fix problems on map attribution control
- Update mapbox-gl-js to 1.13.0
- Improve rollup config with node polyfills
- Update babel, rollup and its plugins
- Make it compatible with modern node versions, like 12.x and 14.x
- Enable visualization of ways that had dragged nodes
- Add link to open feature on Level0 editor
- Exclude relation members with invalid coordinates from the map visualization
- Add zoom controls if device is touchscreen and without mouse
- Update URLs to osmcha.org
- Zoom to feature when selecting it from the sidebar
- Fix bug when switching from one changeset to another in OSMCha
- Enable visualization or relation members
- Auto select element if it's the only one + adjust spacing on tablehead
- Add more object history options and open feature on iD/JOSM
- Change OSM link on feature sidebar, making it link to OSM feature page, not to history page
- Update mapbox-gl-js to 0.4.3
- Update @turf/helpers and @turf/bbox-polygon to 5.1.5
- Link the id of the old version changeset to OSMCha
- Add section 'Tags added, updated, deleted'