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Fix unlawful instances (#616)
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* Fix #541 #509 respect finalizer in Async#async implementation #542


* Always convert non-interrupt failures to Outcome.Errored. Define standard Concurrent/Temporal instances only for Throwable error. Define generic Concurrent/Temporal as operating on Cause[E] errors to be able to wrap non-interrupt errors to Outcome.Errored. #543


* Fix #503 implement MonadCancel#canceled by sending an external interrupt to current fiber via Fiber.unsafeCurrentFiber #544


* Outcome conversion and test fixes #549


* Fix CatsInteropSpec, redefine toOutcome for ZIO2 - ZIO2 _DOES_ preserve typed errors in the same Cause as external interruptions, so previous definition was incorrect

There remain test failures in 'canceled sequences onCancel in order' – they are occur when `genOfRace`/`genOfParallel` or `genCancel` occurs, so something might still be wrong with outcome conversion in these case
OR there may be bugs in ZIO 2 (or some more tricky behavior)

* Remove todos

* Update to ZIO 2.0.1

* Remove genNever

* Update eqForUIO

* Revert Update eqForUIO

* Disable the 'onCancel associates over uncancelable boundary' law test

* Add some tracing

* Add todo comment

Co-authored-by: Kai <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
johnspade and neko-kai authored Sep 27, 2022
1 parent c9d3a04 commit 687b46a
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Showing 13 changed files with 995 additions and 235 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package zio.interop

import cats.effect.{ IO as CIO, LiftIO }
import cats.effect.{ Async, IO as CIO, LiftIO, Outcome }
import cats.effect.kernel.{ Concurrent, Resource }
import zio.interop.catz.*
import zio.test.*
import zio.{ Promise, Task, ZIO }
import zio.*

object CatsInteropSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
def spec = suite("Cats interop")(
Expand All @@ -25,6 +25,184 @@ object CatsInteropSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
_ <- lift.liftIO(promise1.get)
_ <- fiber.interrupt
} yield assertCompletes
test("ZIO respects Async#async cancel finalizer") {
def test[F[_]](implicit F: Async[F]) = {
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.effect.syntax.all.*
for {
counter <- F.ref(0)
latch <- F.deferred[Unit]
fiber <- F.start(
F.async[Unit] { _ =>
for {
_ <- latch.complete(())
_ <- counter.update(_ + 1)
} yield Some(counter.update(_ + 1))
}.forceR(counter.update(_ + 9000))
_ <- latch.get
_ <- fiber.cancel
res <- counter.get
} yield assertTrue(res == 2)

for {
sanityCheckCIO <- fromEffect(test[CIO])
zioResult <- test[Task]
} yield zioResult && sanityCheckCIO
test("onCancel is not triggered by ZIO.parTraverse +") {
val F = Concurrent[Task]

for {
counter <- F.ref("")
_ <- F.guaranteeCase(
counter.update(_ + "A") *> RuntimeException("x")).unit
counter.update(_ + "1")
) { case _ => counter.update(_ + "B") }
) {
case Outcome.Errored(_) => counter.update(_ + "C")
case Outcome.Canceled() => counter.update(_ + "2")
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) => counter.update(_ + "3")
res <- counter.get
} yield assertTrue(!res.contains("1")) && assertTrue(res == "ABC")
test("onCancel is not triggered by ZIO.parTraverse + ZIO.die") {
val F = Concurrent[Task]

for {
counter <- F.ref("")
_ <- F.guaranteeCase(
counter.update(_ + "A") *> ZIO.die(new RuntimeException("x")).unit
counter.update(_ + "1")
) { case _ => counter.update(_ + "B") }
) {
case Outcome.Errored(_) => counter.update(_ + "C")
case Outcome.Canceled() => counter.update(_ + "2")
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) => counter.update(_ + "3")
res <- counter.get
} yield assertTrue(!res.contains("1")) && assertTrue(res == "AC")
test("onCancel is not triggered by ZIO.parTraverse + ZIO.interrupt") {
val F = Concurrent[Task]

for {
counter <- F.ref("")
_ <- F.guaranteeCase(
counter.update(_ + "A") *> ZIO.interrupt.unit
counter.update(_ + "1")
) { case _ => counter.update(_ + "B") }
) {
case Outcome.Errored(_) => counter.update(_ + "C")
case Outcome.Canceled() => counter.update(_ + "2")
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) => counter.update(_ + "3")
res <- counter.get
} yield assertTrue(!res.contains("1")) && assertTrue(res == "AC")
"onCancel is triggered when a fiber executing ZIO.parTraverse + is interrupted and the inner typed" +
" error is, unlike ZIO 1, preserved in final Cause (in ZIO 1 Fail & Interrupt nodes CAN both exist in Cause after external interruption)"
) {
val F = Concurrent[Task]

def println(s: String): Unit = {
val _ = s

for {
latch1 <- F.deferred[Unit]
latch2 <- F.deferred[Unit]
latch3 <- F.deferred[Unit]
counter <- F.ref("")
cause <- F.ref(Option.empty[Cause[Throwable]])
fiberId <- ZIO.fiberId
fiber <- F.guaranteeCase(
ZIO.succeed(println("A")) *> latch2.complete(()).unit
).onExit(_ => ZIO.succeed(println("XA"))),
(latch1.complete(()) *> latch3.get *> ZIO.succeed(println("C"))).uninterruptible,
counter.update(_ + "A") *>
latch1.get *>
ZIO.succeed(println("B")) *> RuntimeException("The_Error")).unit
.onExit {
case Exit.Success(_) => ZIO.unit
case Exit.Failure(c) => cause.set(Some(c)).orDie
counter.update(_ + "B")
) { case _ => counter.update(_ + "1") }
) {
case Outcome.Errored(_) => counter.update(_ + "2")
case Outcome.Canceled() => counter.update(_ + "C")
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) => counter.update(_ + "3")
_ = println("x1")
_ <- latch2.get
_ = println("x2")
_ <- fiber.interruptFork
_ = println("x3")
_ <- latch3.complete(())
_ <- fiber.interrupt
_ = println("x4")
res <- counter.get
cause <- cause.get
} yield assertTrue(!res.contains("1")) &&
assertTrue(res == "ABC") &&
assertTrue(cause.isDefined) &&
assertTrue(cause.get.prettyPrint.contains("The_Error")) &&
test("F.canceled.toEffect results in CancellationException, not BoxedException") {
val F = Concurrent[Task]

val exception: Option[Throwable] =
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable => Some(t)

!exception.get.getMessage.contains("Boxed Exception") &&
exception.get.getMessage.contains("The fiber was canceled")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package zio.interop

import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import cats.effect.kernel.{ Concurrent, Resource }
import cats.effect.IO as CIO
import zio.*
import zio.interop.catz.*
Expand All @@ -15,13 +15,39 @@ object CatsZManagedSyntaxSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
def spec =
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is interrupted") {
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is externally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def res(x: Int): Resource[CIO, Unit] =
Resource.makeCase(CIO.delay(effects += x).void) {
case (_, Resource.ExitCase.Canceled) =>
CIO.delay(effects += x + 1).void
case _ => CIO.unit
case (_, _) =>

val testCase = {
val managed: ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Unit] = res(1).toManaged
Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].flatMap { latch =>
.use(_ => latch.succeed(()) *> ZIO.never)
.flatMap(latch.await *> _.interrupt)

for {
_ <- testCase
effects <- ZIO.succeed(effects.toList)
} yield assert(effects)(equalTo(List(1, 2)))
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is internally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def res(x: Int): Resource[CIO, Unit] =
Resource.makeCase(CIO.delay(effects += x).void) {
case (_, Resource.ExitCase.Errored(_)) =>
CIO.delay(effects += x + 1).void
case (_, _) =>

val testCase = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +154,7 @@ object CatsZManagedSyntaxSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is interrupted") {
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is externally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def res(x: Int): Resource[Task, Unit] =
Resource.makeCase(ZIO.attempt(effects += x).unit) {
Expand All @@ -137,6 +163,30 @@ object CatsZManagedSyntaxSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
case _ => ZIO.unit

val testCase = {
val managed: ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Unit] = res(1).toManagedZIO
Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].flatMap { latch =>
.use(_ => latch.succeed(()) *> ZIO.never)
.flatMap(latch.await *> _.interrupt)

for {
_ <- testCase
effects <- ZIO.succeed(effects.toList)
} yield assert(effects)(equalTo(List(1, 2)))
test("calls finalizers correctly when use is internally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def res(x: Int): Resource[Task, Unit] =
Resource.makeCase(ZIO.attempt(effects += x).unit) {
case (_, Resource.ExitCase.Errored(_)) =>
ZIO.attempt(effects += x + 1).unit
case _ => ZIO.unit

val testCase = {
val managed: ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Unit] = res(1).toManagedZIO
managed.use(_ => ZIO.interrupt.unit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,13 +318,13 @@ object CatsZManagedSyntaxSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
effects <- ZIO.succeed(effects.toList)
} yield assert(effects)(equalTo(List(1, 2)))
test("calls finalizers when using resource is canceled") {
test("calls finalizers when using resource is internally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def man(x: Int): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZManaged.acquireReleaseExitWith(ZIO.succeed(effects += x).unit) {
case (_, e) if e.isInterrupted =>
case (_, Exit.Failure(c)) if !c.isInterrupted && c.failureOption.nonEmpty =>
ZIO.succeed(effects += x + 1)
case _ =>
case _ =>

Expand All @@ -284,6 +334,28 @@ object CatsZManagedSyntaxSpec extends CatsRunnableSpec {
effects <- ZIO.succeed(effects.toList)
} yield assert(effects)(equalTo(List(1, 2)))
test("calls finalizers when using resource is externally interrupted") {
val effects = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
def man(x: Int): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZManaged.acquireReleaseExitWith(ZIO.succeed(effects += x).unit) {
case (_, e) if e.isInterrupted =>
ZIO.succeed(effects += x + 1)
case _ =>

val exception: Option[Throwable] =
try {
man(1).toResource[Task].use(_ => Concurrent[Task].canceled).toEffect[cats.effect.IO].unsafeRunSync()
} catch {
case t: Throwable => Some(t)

assert(effects.toList)(equalTo(List(1, 2))) && assertTrue(
exception.get.getMessage.contains("The fiber was canceled")
test("acquisition of Reservation preserves cancellability in new F") {
for {
startLatch <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,30 @@ class CatsSpec extends ZioSpecBase {
implicit tc => GenTemporalTests[Task, Throwable].temporal[Int, Int, Int](100.millis)
checkAllAsync("GenSpawn[IO[Int, _], Int]", implicit tc => GenSpawnTests[IO[Int, _], Int].spawn[Int, Int, Int])
checkAllAsync("MonadError[IO[In t, _]]", implicit tc => MonadErrorTests[IO[Int, _], Int].monadError[Int, Int, Int])

locally {
"GenTemporal[IO[Int, _], Cause[Int]]",
{ implicit tc =>
import zio.interop.catz.generic.*
GenTemporalTests[IO[Int, _], Cause[Int]].temporal[Int, Int, Int](100.millis)
"GenSpawn[IO[Int, _], Cause[Int]]",
{ implicit tc =>
import zio.interop.catz.generic.*
GenSpawnTests[IO[Int, _], Cause[Int]].spawn[Int, Int, Int]
"MonadCancel[IO[In t, _], Cause[Int]]",
{ implicit tc =>
import zio.interop.catz.generic.*
MonadCancelTests[IO[Int, _], Cause[Int]].monadCancel[Int, Int, Int]
checkAllAsync("MonoidK[IO[Int, _]]", implicit tc => MonoidKTests[IO[Int, _]].monoidK[Int])
checkAllAsync("SemigroupK[IO[Option[Unit], _]]", implicit tc => SemigroupKTests[IO[Option[Unit], _]].semigroupK[Int])
checkAllAsync("SemigroupK[Task]", implicit tc => SemigroupKTests[Task].semigroupK[Int])
Expand All @@ -46,9 +68,13 @@ class CatsSpec extends ZioSpecBase {

Async[RIO[ZClock, _]]
Sync[RIO[ZClock, _]]
GenTemporal[ZIO[ZClock, Int, _], Int]
locally {
import zio.interop.catz.generic.*

GenTemporal[ZIO[ZClock, Int, _], Cause[Int]]
GenConcurrent[ZIO[String, Int, _], Cause[Int]]
Temporal[RIO[ZClock, _]]
GenConcurrent[ZIO[String, Int, _], Int]
Concurrent[RIO[String, _]]
MonadError[RIO[String, _], Throwable]
Monad[RIO[String, _]]
Expand All @@ -66,7 +92,10 @@ class CatsSpec extends ZioSpecBase {

def liftRIO(implicit runtime: IORuntime) = LiftIO[RIO[String, _]]
def liftZManaged(implicit runtime: IORuntime) = LiftIO[ZManaged[String, Throwable, _]]
def runtimeGenTemporal(implicit runtime: Runtime[ZClock]) = GenTemporal[ZIO[Any, Int, _], Int]
def runtimeGenTemporal(implicit runtime: Runtime[ZClock]) = {
import zio.interop.catz.generic.*
GenTemporal[ZIO[Any, Int, _], Cause[Int]]
def runtimeTemporal(implicit runtime: Runtime[ZClock]) = Temporal[Task]

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