A calendar component like iOS style
感谢 xubzhlin 的支持,原始控件来自于FMX-UI-Controls项目,经作者同意由 谢顿 收集整理 原项目地址为:https://github.com/xubzhlin/FMX-UI-Controls
version history
2017-09-01, v0.1.0.0 :
first release
rename component to TFMXCalendarControl
add properties Align, Anchors, ClipChildren, ClipParent, Cursor
DragMode, EnableDragHighlight, Enabled, Height, HitTest
Locked, Padding, Opacity, Margins, PopupMenu, Position
RotationAngle, RotationCenter, Scale, Size, Visible, Width
fixed FWeekLayout and FCalenderView stored problem
2017-09-11, v0.2.0.0 :
add lunar date option