This is a flask asr-service with server and client, which is based on the Vernacular-ai/kaldi-serve(
Key Features:
- Real-time streaming (uni & bi-directional) audio recognition.
- support MFCC and Fbank when the corresponding file exists
- support i-vector input when the corresponding file exists
- Thread-safe concurrent Decoder queue for server environments.
- support RNNLM lattice rescoring when the corresponding file exists.
- N-best alternatives with AM/LM costs, word-level timings and confidence scores.
- Kaldi
- python==3.6.7(suggest conda install)
- pybind11( pybind11 is already included in the project, so you don't have to reconfigure it
config the KALDI_ROOT path in CMakeLists.txt
cd build/
make -j${nproc}
cp python/kaldiserve_pybind*.so ../python/kaldiserve/
cd ../python
pip install . -U
you should config the model files in "./resources/model-spec.toml" before you start the server.
cd python
Start the service: python
Start the clinet with multithreading: python