Usage of the Benji module for Apache VFS.
The first step is a add the dependency in your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.zengularity" %% "benji-vfs" % "{{site.latest_release}}"
Then it be used as bellow.
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import akka.NotUsed
import{ Sink, Source }
import com.zengularity.benji.{ Bucket, Object }
import com.zengularity.benji.vfs.{ VFSStorage, VFSTransport }
// Settings
val projectId = "vfs-project-123456"
val appName = "Foo"
def sample1(implicit m: Materializer): Future[Unit] = {
implicit def ec: ExecutionContext = m.executionContext
Future.fromTry(VFSTransport.temporary(projectId)).flatMap {
(vfsTransport: VFSTransport) =>
lazy val vfs = VFSStorage(vfsTransport)
val buckets: Future[List[Bucket]] = vfs.buckets.collect[List]()
buckets.flatMap {
_.headOption.fold(Future.successful(println("No found"))) { firstBucket =>
val bucketRef = vfs.bucket(
val objects: Source[Object, NotUsed] = bucketRef.objects()
objects.runWith(Sink.foreach[Object] { obj =>
println(s"- ${}")
}).map(_ => {})
Then, the VFS can be used as ObjectStorage in your code, considering directories as buckets and files and objects.
In order to be compatible accross the various FS supported by VFS itself, it's recommanded not to nest sub-directory inside buckets.
There are several factories to create a VFS ObjectStorage
client, either passing parameters separately, or using a configuration URI.
import scala.util.Try
import com.zengularity.benji.ObjectStorage
import com.zengularity.benji.vfs._
def vfs1: ObjectStorage = {
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.{ FileSystemManager, VFS }
def fsManager: FileSystemManager = VFS.getManager()
def vfsTransport = VFSTransport(fsManager)
// Temporary
def vfs2: Try[ObjectStorage] =
VFSTransport.temporary("foo").map { vfsTransport =>
// Using configuration URI
def vfs3: Try[ObjectStorage] =
VFSTransport("vfs:file:///home/someuser/somedir").map { vfsTransport =>
factory is available for testing, using a local directory with cleanup.
The format for the configuration URIs is the following:
The VFS documentation is available to check the form of anyUriSupportedByVfs