Torpedo underwater or Missle in the air, track the target until hit it
Create Rocket/Missile/Torpedo mesh in blender, direction to up, it is nose to +Z
Upload Sound TorpedoExplode, TorpedoLaunch and copy it to your object
Upload it to OpenSIM world, ubODE engine
Copy Script Torpedo.lsl
into it, edit it, change user setting as you like
Change this option to TRUE to act like missile not torpedo
Shock a power to push when hit target
If you rez the missile out of launcher on the ground, missile will save the pisition to back after finish his task, you can click on it to launch it or command it in public chat.
Missile or launcher listen to chat for command, say target name of avatar to launch and lock on it
target zai
Create Mesh
hop:// Bay/1819/1887/102