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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 24, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Based on

How to use

Clone this repo and then in command line type:

  • npm install or yarn - install all dependencies
  • gulp - run dev-server and let magic happen, or
  • gulp build - build project from sources

List of Gulp tasks

To run separate task type in command line gulp [task_name]. Almost all tasks also have watch mode - gulp [task_name]:watch, but you don't need to use it directly.

Main tasks

Task name Description
default will start all tasks required by project in dev mode: initial build, watch files, run server with livereload
build:dev build dev version of project (without code optimizations)
build build production-ready project (with code optimizations)

Other tasks

Task name Description
sass compile .sass/.scss to .css. We also use postcss, so feel free to include other awesome postcss plugins when needed
webpack compile .js sources into bundle file
copy copy common files from ./src path to ./build path
nunjucks compile Mozilla's awesome nunjucks templates
svgo optimize svg files with svgo
svgicons take .svg sources from ./icons clean and create .html files in ./templates/partials/icons to use it inline
sprite-png create png sprites
server run dev-server powered by BrowserSync
clean remove ./build folder
list-pages create index file with links to all project pages

All available tasks are placed in a folder ./gulp/tasks as separate *.js files. Usually, file name = task name.


We have several useful flags.

  • gulp --open or gulp server --open - run dev server and then open preview in browser
  • gulp [task_name] --prod or gulp [task_name] --production - run task in production mode. Some of the tasks (like, sass or js compilation) have additional settings for production mode (such as code minification), so with this flag you can force production mode. gulp build uses this mode by default.

Multilanguage version

If you need a multilanguage version of project, you can create folder languages in src directory, then create subdirectories with data files.
Each subdirectory requires global.json file, with some general data. Optionaly, you can add other json files, with data to specific page. The names of the files has to be equivalent to project pages names. Data from json files can be used in page template as variables.
In build folder would be generated files with different language versions. Amount of pages would be equivalent to amount of languages folder subdirectories, filenames would have suffix, equivalent to subdirection name.

Structure example


├── ...
├── src                    
│   ├── languages             
│   │   ├── en             
│   │   │   ├── global.json
│   │   │   ├── page.json
│   │   ├── ru             
│   │   │   ├── global.json
│   │   │   ├── page.json
│   ├── templates             
│   │   ├── page.html
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── ...


├── ...
├── build                    
│   ├── page-en.html             
│   ├── page-ru.html
└── ...

Handling data example

JSON structure

// languages/en folder
// global.json
  "sitename": "My awesome site"
// page.json
  "title": "Main page"

// languages/ru folder
// global.json
  "sitename": "Мой крутой сайт"
// page.json
  "title": "Главная страница"

HTML template

<!-- Development -->

 <!-- templates/page.html -->
<h1>{{ sitename }}</h1>
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>

<!-- Generated -->

<!-- build/page-en.html -->
<h1>My awesome site</h1>
<h2>Main page</h2>

<!-- build/page-ru.html -->
<h1>Мой крутой сайт</h1>
<h2>Главная страница</h2>


You can also use npm scripts:

  • npm run start - same as gulp default.
  • npm run build - same as gulp build.
  • npm run ghpages to push only ./build folder to gh-pages branch on github (very useful for previews).