This is a project which detects 30 different dog breeds.
- This model is trained on Tensorflow 2.3.0 object classification.
- To train the model, famous Kaggle Dataset which consists of 120 different breeds, out of which 30 famous breeds were taken for simplicity.
- Took nearly 2.5k images of 30 breeds.
- For training,Inception v3 model as base model is used for feature extraction.
- After training, training accuracy reached 99% with testing accuracy nearing 94%.
- Deployed the model with python and having 'Flask' as backend and 'gunicorn' as server.
Visit dog-breed-classification website with This link .
Trained model 'smart_model_mobile.h5' is available in google drive with this link
Snapshot of the website's Front page and Breed page where name of breeds which model can predict are mentioned.