- Added formatter option: remove_empty_lines
- Remove not only trailing but also leading newline from formatted address
- Biggs::Concern Allow passing false as field to add blank string
- Biggs::Extractor: small refactorings + don't delete options
- Refactored Biggs::Concern to use Biggs::Extractor
- Removed activerecord dependency and use only activesupport instead
- Renamed Biggs::ActiveRecordAdapter to Biggs::Concern, include with 'include Biggs'
- Optimization: Added Biggs::Formatter::FIELDS_WO_COUNTRY
- Moved Biggs.formats and Biggs.country_names to Constants Biggs::FORMATS & Biggs::COUNTRY_NAMES
- [BREAKING]: Do not include to ActiveRecord::Base per default, use 'include Biggs::ActiveRecordAdapter' in your classes
- Allow multiple biggs methods per class
- Added support for Rails 4 (by mdemare)
- Fixed warning in Biggs::Format
- Fixed LI format
- Added country names for countries with default/unknown address format
- Simplified inclusion of Biggs::ActiveRecordAdapter
- Changed doc-format from textile to markdown
- Compatibility with ActiveRecord/Rails 3.2
- Fixed gemspec activerecord dependency
- Added Bundler & removed jewler
- Fixed Specs
- Added NC (New Caledonia)
- Fixed address format for Norway
- Added TH (Thailand)
- Fixed Specs
- Values can now be specified by an array of symbols.
- Refactored activerecord-adapter to include only basic setup method in ActiveRecord:Base
- Allow Procs as params in biggs-activerecord-setup.
- Cleanup